@shonin The grist.org article ends with this. “Each American today emits nearly enough emissions over their lifetime to push one Indian or Nigerian of the future outside of their climate niche, the study found…”. #ClimateEmergency, #ClimateJustice, #GretaThunberg, #TheClimateBook, #KeepItInTheGround,
#climateemergency #climatejustice #gretathunberg #theclimatebook #keepitintheground
@pvonhellermannn This article is written by Indrajit Samarajiva. These are two sentences that are powerful. “Half the time what people in the North call recycling is just dumping stuff in the South so they can feel better about filling up the bins every week. It’s cosmetics on the corpse of consumer society, which stubbornly refuses to decompose properly.” This is a good article to read after you read #GretaThunberg #TheClimateBook. #ClimateEmergency, #KeepItInTheGround.
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook #climateemergency #keepitintheground
@breadandcircuses @gretathunberg Page 19 is a good page. #GretaThunberg, #TheClimateBook
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook
@iceadvice @wang_seaver Thank you for sharing the link. The tipping points information is covered extremely well. #TippingPoints, #GretaThunberg, #TheClimateBook, #ClimateEmergency, #ClimateCrisis
#tippingpoints #gretathunberg #theclimatebook #climateemergency #climatecrisis
@breadandcircuses Hello Mastodon. It’s a climate emergency. The humans have set off a carbon dioxide bomb on their planet. Get your emergency assignments from Greta Thunberg. #Climate, #ClimateChange, #ClimateCrisis, #ClimateEmergency, #GretaThunberg, #TheClimateBook
#climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #gretathunberg #theclimatebook
@ZLabe The Arctic Sea Ice helps to save the Greenland Glacier Ice. Both of them are on these tipping point lists. Stop burning fossil fuels. Save the planet. #GretaThunberg, #TheClimateBook describes the connections. Airplane trips burn fossil fuels. Stop taking airplane trips.
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook
@breadandcircuses @gretathunberg Say it again #GretaThunberg. We have to change. #TheClimateBook.
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook
@theappletree #TheClimateBook by #GretaThunberg has chapters about the ways people ignore, argue, trivialize, postpone, and fall for imaginary solutions. Check it out to understand this. #Climate, #ClimateChange, #ClimateDiary, #ClimateCrisis.
#theclimatebook #gretathunberg #climate #climatechange #climatediary #climatecrisis
@BruceMirken #Rewilding is on the list of things that help the planet breathe. Nature corridors and rewilding are in #TheClimateBook by #GretaThunberg. Check the book out at the library.
#rewilding #theclimatebook #gretathunberg
@breadandcircuses Planting trees is good. #GreenWashing your fossil fuel use is bad. Get #TheClimateBook by #GretaThunberg to understand the psychology. It’s urgent. Delay is not our friend. #Climate, #ClimateChange, #ClimateCrisis.
#greenwashing #theclimatebook #gretathunberg #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis
@breadandcircuses The Naomi Klein contribution to #TheClimateBook by #GretaThunberg is another chapter about overlapping and intersecting emergencies. It’s another chapter about urgency.
Get the book. #Climate, #ClimateChange, #ClimateCrisis.
#theclimatebook #gretathunberg #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis
@breadandcircuses @gretathunberg #TheClimateBook by #GretaThunberg contains this hard message and many others. Get the book.
#theclimatebook #gretathunberg
@breadandcircuses @gretathunberg This is a call to individual action in #TheClimateBook. There is something for everyone to do. #GretaThunberg.
#theclimatebook #gretathunberg
@ScientistRebellion This shocking profit from fossil fuel sales is abhorrent. This is awful for the planet. The #GretaThunberg book #TheClimateBook is good for the planet. #Climate. #ClimateChange. #ClimateCrisis.
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis
@breadandcircuses We have to do everything. And fast. #GretaThunberg. #TheClimateBook. Thank you for sharing the
Transportation information.
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook
@KeithDJohnson This “Faster than Expected” article by Jackson Damian is similar to material in the #GretaThunberg book “The Climate Book”. Our planet has a climate crisis. A few groups are in crisis mode. The vast majority are not in crisis mode. This article helps to understand why. Thank you for sharing the article. #ClimateCrisis #TheClimateBook.
#gretathunberg #climatecrisis #theclimatebook
I feel like I should be doing a lot more for the #environment. Reading #TheClimateBook is really making me want to do something, anything, more than I am.
Starting to research if there’s any #environmental organizations in the area I can either #volunteer with or donate to.
I feel like I should be picking up trash and planting trees but seed to find out if I’d even be allowed to with the germs and mold and stuff involved. 😐
#environment #theclimatebook #environmental #volunteer
So I got #TheClimateBook for my morning & evening commute in the car because I clearly don’t have enough confirmation/validation of my rage in my life, apparently.
@dave Everyone will get the “The Climate Book” by Greta Thunberg. And then we will make the changes described to help. My family has so much to do. We are learning so much about the climate from her book. #GretaThunberg. #TheClimateBook. #Climate
#gretathunberg #theclimatebook #climate