#NewsFlash: The World is doomed and we're all fucked. This is a result of very many Policy Choices made over decades and there’s very little you, as a member of the 99%, can do about it.
Want to stick your head in the sand? Fine, please: Mute, Filter, Unfollow, Block.
But, I won’t CW what’s coming for us, All.
#newsflash #obliquesubtoot #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #wearefucked
was It all worth It?
used up, broke down, and burnt out.
Rock-n-Roll Lifestyle.
#Haiku #ClimateCrisis #Climate #ClimateEmergency #Consumerism #LifeChoices #Haikoot #StupidApes #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #EcocideIsAPolicyChoice #Extinction #Ecocide
#haiku #ClimateCrisis #climate #climateemergency #consumerism #lifechoices #haikoot #stupidapes #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #ecocideisapolicychoice #extinction #ecocide
@HistoPol @knittingknots2 I just copied that part to toot; glad you beat me to it.
#TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice and will affect those who can afford it the least, more.
@ScientistRebellion yes, “[b]anks must not be allowed to finance new fossil fuel projects which drive the climate crisis.” These are policy choices, #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice and nothing about the current situation suggests that policy makers are interested in changing said policies.
This is our last Chance.
the Earth is under Pressure.
This is our last Dance.
#Haiku #IPCC #ClimateCrisis #TurnAroundDontDrown #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #Extinction #HaikuAdaptedFromSongLyrics #Haikoot
#haiku #ipcc #ClimateCrisis #turnarounddontdrown #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #extinction #haikuadaptedfromsonglyrics #haikoot
ceasing to exist;
drowning under rising Seas:
not one Shit given.
#Haiku #Consumerism #IslandNations #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #Climate #ClimateCrisis #Indifference #GlobalSouth #CapitalismKills #Haikoot
#haiku #consumerism #islandnations #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #climate #ClimateCrisis #indifference #GlobalSouth #capitalismkills #haikoot
We’ve left Calm Waters,
with no Home to go back to.
What to tell the Kids?
#Haiku #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #ThisMessageIsBroughtToYouByBigOilAndOtherBadIdeas #Extinction #Haikoot #Ecocide #ClimateEmergency #Consumerism
#haiku #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #thismessageisbroughttoyoubybigoilandotherbadideas #extinction #haikoot #ecocide #consumerism
@PeterRu of course they will; anyone believing otherwise has not been paying attention.
So to summarize, things are going to continue on the way they always have; and the only things that are going to change anything will spawn from the same Capitalist market machinations that brought us to today.
Got it.
If there’s anything that should unite all peoples, it’s the Climate Emergency. Getting rid of those responsible for the policies that got us here and are going to make things _MUCH_ worse should really be something all other groups can agree to work together on.
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice
#ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice
Now watch some Wanker come at me with some green-tech vaporware that’s gonna fix all this if just enough people believed and bought in on it. We’re all fucked; our children, their children, and their children’s children the worst. And the poorest of us will suffer the most; it’s all baked in. We’re fucked, and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can get to work preparing.
#TheClimateCrisisIsAManMadeCrisis #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice
#theclimatecrisisisamanmadecrisis #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #wearefucked
@ed_hawkins NOT “We” as in most people just trying to get through the day…. Governments and Policy Makers, _that_ is who needs to change and enforce the changes. Please, please, be more honest and sincere about who really is to blame here, and with whom the actual power to make changes on this scale relies. Most of us are just squirrels trying to get a nut.
We’ve left calm waters
With no home to go back to
What to tell the kids?
#Haiku #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #ThisMessageIsBroughtToYouByBigOilAndOtherBadIdeas #Extinction #Haikoot #ManMadeCrisis #WeAreFucked
#haiku #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #thismessageisbroughttoyoubybigoilandotherbadideas #extinction #haikoot #manmadecrisis #wearefucked
We’ve left calm waters.
With no home to go back to;
what to tell the kids?
#Haiku #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #TheClimateCrisisIsAPolicyChoice #ThisMessageIsBroughtToYouByBigOilAndOtherBadIdeas #Extinction #GodsGardeners
#godsgardeners #extinction #thismessageisbroughttoyoubybigoilandotherbadideas #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #climateemergency #climatecrisis #haiku