The Guardian Australia:
“Where are the opposition planning on going with the attacks on #KatyGallagher?
There isn’t a straight answer to that one, because no one can really figure out what the upside is here.
Gallagher made the comments that #theCoalition are using as the basis for the ‘misled parliament’ attacks while in opposition, in a different parliament.
She was not a minister at the time. So she didn’t make the comments as a minister and therefore did not breach the ministerial code.
Anthony #Albanese has backed Gallagher in, so there is no movement there. And the #Greens have already denounced the tactics and said they will not facilitate it in the senate. Which means if the Coalition attempted to refer Gallagher to the privileges committee, they would not have enough support in the senate.
So there is no movement there.
Which means that this is being played out for the cameras with no real goal in sight. And at the moment, no end in sight either.”
#KatyGallagher #thecoalition #Albanese #greens #auspol
Gears Of War isn't just a game, it's tradition - #ActionAdventure #Supportersonly #TheCoalition #GearsofWar #EpicGames #Shooter
#shooter #epicgames #gearsofwar #thecoalition #Supportersonly #ActionAdventure
Microsoft's mass layoffs will affect Starfield, Halo Infinite, and Gears Of War developers - #BethesdaGameStudios #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #343Industries #HaloInfinite #TheCoalition #Blockbuster #GearsofWar #StoryRich #Microsoft #Starfield #Business #Shooter #Fantasy #Halo
#halo #fantasy #shooter #business #Starfield #microsoft #StoryRich #gearsofwar #blockbuster #thecoalition #HaloInfinite #343industries #sciencefiction #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #bethesdagamestudios
Kotaku: Microsoft Slashes 10K Jobs, Including At Xbox And Halo Studios #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #activisionblizzard #business2cfinance #343industries #windowsgames #satyanadella #thecoalition #stephenelop #microsoft #starfield #computing #companies #kotaku #layoff #labor #halo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #ActivisionBlizzard #business2cfinance #343industries #windowsgames #satyanadella #thecoalition #stephenelop #microsoft #starfield #computing #companies #layoff #labor #halo
V další vzpomínkové recenzi jsme se podívali na první díl ze slavné xboxové série Gears of War. Velice zajímavá akce, která nás v roli Marcuse Fénixe, uvede do slavného universa. Jak na jedničku vzpomínáte vy? Já jsem jsem jí hrál poprvé až na Xboxu One X a teď nově na PC. Těším se na další díly, mám co dohánět. :)
#GearsOfWar #TheCoalition #Hry #Games #Recenze #Review #GameReview #RetroGames
#gearsofwar #thecoalition #hry #games #recenze #review #gamereview #retrogames
#GearsOfWar tendrá película y serie animada gracias a #Netflix 🔥🔥
De acuerdo con #TheHollywoodReporter, #Netflix #TheCoalition y #Xbox han llegado a un acuerdo
El plan de Netflix es preparar una película live-action de alto presupuesto y una serie animada
#gearsofwar #netflix #thehollywoodreporter #thecoalition #xbox #gearsofwarmovie
Gears Of War movie and animated series surface at Netflix - #MicrosoftStudios #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #TheCoalition #Blockbuster #FPS/Shooter #GearsofWar #StoryRich #Netflix #Movies
#microsoftstudios #ActionAdventure #sciencefiction #thecoalition #blockbuster #fps #gearsofwar #StoryRich #netflix #movies
After 15 years of failed attempts, there will finally be a Gears of War movie - Enlarge / A still from 2019's Gears 5. (credit: Ars Technica)
... - #gaming&culture #thecoalition #gearsofwar #videogame #netflix #gaming #movie #xbox
#xbox #movie #netflix #videogame #gearsofwar #thecoalition #gaming
Gears Of War studio show off Unreal Engine 5 tech demo - #UnrealEngine5 #TheCoalition #Blockbuster #techdemo
#UnrealEngine5 #thecoalition #blockbuster #techdemo
Gears Of War and badminton have more in common than you might think - #Supportersonly #TheCoalition #GearsofWar #EpicGames #Action
#Supportersonly #thecoalition #gearsofwar #epicgames #action
The Coalition's Unreal Engine 5 demo makes me hungry for Gears Of War 6 - #UnrealEngine5 #TheCoalition #Blockbuster #GearsofWar #techdemo
#UnrealEngine5 #thecoalition #blockbuster #gearsofwar #techdemo
Gears 5 developers won't be announcing new games "for some time" - #XboxGameStudios #TheCoalition #GearsofWar5 #GearsofWar
#xboxgamestudios #thecoalition #GearsofWar5 #gearsofwar
Have You Played... Gears 5? - #XboxGameStudios #HaveYouPlayed #TheCoalition #GearsofWar5 #Feature #Shooter
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Gears 5: Hivebusters DLC invites you to bust a hive today - #XboxGameStudios #TheCoalition #PCGameNews
#xboxgamestudios #thecoalition #pcgamenews
Gears 5 is replacing Marcus Fenix with Dave Batista, if you want? - #XboxGameStudios #TheCoalition #PCGameNews
#xboxgamestudios #thecoalition #pcgamenews
Podcast: the triumphant return, and Gears Tactics vs XCOM: Chimera Squad - #TheRPSElectronicWirelessshow #FeaturedArticles #FiraxisGames #SplashDamage #TheCoalition #fatblood #feature #Podcast #Rare
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Wot I Think: Gears Tactics - #FeaturedArticles #XboxGameStudios #PCGameReviews #SplashDamage #TheCoalition #wotithink #feature #review
#featuredarticles #xboxgamestudios #pcgamereviews #splashdamage #thecoalition #wotithink #feature #review
Gears Tactics will appeal to XCOM fans and classic Gears Of War fans alike - #FeaturedArticles #XboxGameStudios #TheRPSVidbuds #SplashDamage #TheCoalition #feature #Videos
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Gears Of War studio head is joining Blizzard to oversee Diablo - #BlizzardEntertainment #RodFergusson #TheCoalition #PCGameNews
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Here's all the news and trailers from the Game Awards - #MicrosoftGameStudios #ZeniMaxOnlineStudios #RemedyEntertainment #TripwireInteractive #SlightlyMadStudios #AmazonGameStudios #GearboxPublishing #TheGameAwards2019 #24Entertainment #DevolverDigital #DigitalExtremes #WolfEyeStudios #EndnightGames #RedhillGamesl #TelltaleGames #BossaStudios #CDProjektRed #SplashDamage #TheCoalition #BandaiNamco #NinjaTheory #PCGameNews #SquareEnix
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