RT @HFSYecology
Just what every weather geek in New England is doing this morning. -11.4°F air + 212°F water =MAGIC (I mean, phase change) #makingsnow #phasechange #PolarVortex #newengland #science #thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway
#makingsnow #phasechange #polarvortex #newengland #science #thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway
RT @celestelabedz@twitter.com
I firmly believe that kids should NOT be taught that girly things & science-y things are mutually exclusive. Therefore, I packed a cape with my field work gear just to show what Glaciologist Princess Elsa would look like! 👩🔬👸❄️ #SciencePrincess #TheColdNeverBotheredMeAnyway
#scienceprincess #thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway