The rest of the party tried to kill me, but my goddess said NOPE, and sent em home. <grin> #theConsequences
Theia (cleric) has taken a significantly morally grey path, to the consternation of her friends and allies. "You... turned your faith to a new god while you were trapped in a foreign plane, and invited her into ours?!" it's like they're afraid of the goddess of Darkon's Mists! :D #theConsequences
happiest gaming moment ever: The moment when the moral barbarian character who has been following her for the whole campaign says... "Wait... is Theia the bad guy?!?!" #theConsequences
"it should be hugging damage, where we heal, right?"
", it's bear hugging damage"
#snicker #theConsequences
I popped the highest spell slot I have free (lv 5); I got 4d8 healing. i rolled 3 1's. :rage: total healing was 17. on a lv 5 cure wounds. #whine #theConsequences
re: a floating lit lantern floating 10' in the air:
...can i put it in my mouth?? -- "Godkiller" Principi
#theConsequences (and friends)
#theConsequences and friends are fighting the FINAL minions to the big boss... they are HORRIFIC. #dnd #monster In case you weren't sure? you don't want looked at by these guys.
#theconsequences #dnd #monster
#theConsequences are facing their Very. First. Nemesis, who turns out to basically be the right hand of the Campaign Big Opponent. Vengeance is Nigh!! #dnd
we're gonna go die! #dnd #theConsequences #finalBattles
#dnd #theconsequences #finalbattles
"horrible news for people who are standing where Sky and Harkin are!, on account of cone breath attack rules..." somehow the DM never manages to sound sad when he says things like this... #theConsequences #dnd
"I'm gonna claw the cat. It's ironic to claw the cat!" -- the DM
"mmmm :|" -- the Tabaxi Barbarian #theConsequences #dnd
happiness is making our DM cope with Moonbeam, which he LOATHES :D #theConsequences
#theConsequences is the name of our adventuring party, as in "Here we are, the Consequences of your actions!" ... but also, "wow, we keep suffering from the Consequences of our own actions"...
DM, looking for the picture of the dragon we're fighting:
"oh wait, not this folder..."
the druid: "no, the OTHER folder of eldritch horrors!"
#DnD #theConsequences