This, with its curling cover, is the last copy I own of my #debutnovel #TheContinuityGirl (#Unbound, 2018). The handful of people who read it said nice things — I was very pleased with the cover quote because I knew #JonathanCoe isn’t only a fine novelist, but is perhaps the most vocal fan of the #BillyWilder masterpiece #ThePrivateLifeOfSherlockHolmes , the shoot for which forms the novel’s backdrop.
#theprivatelifeofsherlockholmes #billywilder #jonathancoe #unbound #thecontinuitygirl #debutnovel
My debut #TheContinuityGirl was published by #Unbound in 2018. It is set during the Highlands shoot for Billy Wilder’s magnificent but mangled #ThePrivateLifeOfSherlockHolmes. Here’s my interview with Adrian Shine of the #LochNess Investigation Bureau. Among other things he describes when he found Wilder’s model #Nessie on the bed of the loch…
#nessie #lochness #theprivatelifeofsherlockholmes #unbound #thecontinuitygirl
Okay here’s my Mastodon #introduction. I’m a novelist whose debut #TheContinuityGirl was published by #Unbound in 2018 and is still massively available secondhand and in German translation (#dasscriptgirl, Heyne). It’s a comic novel set largely during the making of #BillyWilder ‘s Sherlock Holmes film, and there’s a nice cover quote from the mighty #JonathanCoe. Now looking for agent to represent latest novel, a pre-#GunpowderPlot tale of intrigue.
#gunpowderplot #jonathancoe #billywilder #dasscriptgirl #unbound #thecontinuitygirl #introduction