SciFi movies released in 2003…pick your favorite.
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#terminator3riseofthemachines #thematrixreloaded #thematrixrevolutions #thecore #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
@EverydayMoggie @kashhill If you've got alerting setup, it can give you a precious few seconds of warning that can be enough to shutdown equipment.
If you encrypt all of your stuff & live in a country without key-disclosure laws.
I guess it could be useful in some other scenarios too but then I couldn't repost this (yes, The Core arrest scene, if the link dies):
DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra, & Digital Releases – March 7, 2023: WOMEN TALKING, CHRISTMAS BLOODY CHRISTMAS, RUGRATS: Season 1, & More
#FilmBook #HomeEntertainmentNews #80ForBrady #AManCalledOtto #AliceDarling #AMC #AMCPlus #ChristmasBloodyChristmas #Fear #HomeEntertainmentNews #MildredPierce #Missing #ParamountPictures #Peacock #ProblemChild #Rugrats #TheCore
#filmbook #homeentertainmentnews #80forbrady #amancalledotto #alicedarling #amc #amcplus #christmasbloodychristmas #fear #mildredpierce #missing #paramountpictures #peacock #problemchild #rugrats #thecore
Okay, newfound respect for the movie #TheCore, I guess?
Just as Aaron Eckhart predicted.
CNN: Earth's inner core may have stopped turning and could go into reverse, study suggests
#thecore #unobtanium #nukes #TheOnlyWayToBeSure
Bottom line: Earth's core cannot just stop rotating and reverse itself! We're talking *tiny* variations, with the rotation period of the core running less than one second faster or slower than it is up top. Enough to be fascinating, but not enough to do this: #TheCore #Core #Earth [fin]
Paging Mr. Eckhart and Ms. Swank. Your train is now ready to depart.
(And I will fight anyone who says The Core is a terrible movie. I mean, yes, it probably is. I will fight you anyway.)