Ce soir, j'ai :
- joué à #Trio 🙄 en attendant tout le monde
- fait découvrir #TheCrew à des joueurs peu habitués aux jeux de plis... Pas simple pour eux
- fait découvrir #StayCool, il fait toujours un effet Wahouu celui-là
Et sinon, j'ai découvert #Namiji qui a l'avantage d'être illustré par #Naïade et ne pas être compliqué. Un beau #j2s « Tout public » qui fonctionne mais qui est complètement sans saveur pour moi
#j2s #naiade #Namiji #staycool #thecrew #trio
Absolution Kodi add-on: guida completa all'installazione
#Absolution #Kodi #cinema #movies #tvshows #TheCrew #trakt #VOD #streaming
#Absolution #kodi #cinema #movies #tvshows #thecrew #trakt #vod #streaming
Just realised: The Crew Motorfest #ClosedBeta is live right now until tomorrow. And I can invite two more #Ubisoft Connect friends.
So if you're interested and didn't get access through the registration (https://www.ubisoft.com/de-de/game/the-crew/motorfest) let me know!
I'm downloading it right now and keen on checking it out without a quadrillion watermarks. They made the NDAed sessions pretty rough to enjoy for me.
#closedbeta #ubisoft #thecrew #thecrewgame #thecrewmotorfest
J'ai testé pour vous : le repos complet, loin de mes foutus emplois du temps, toute la journée. Barbecue chez mon frère et ma belle-sœur, discussions de mise à jour sociale et des parties effrénées du #j2s #TheCrew, qui est décidément vachement complexe à cinq joueurs.
Bilan : c'est vachement utile de déconnecter.
Want more FH or TDU? The Crew Motorfest seems like it’s exactly that. The fact that it’s an island rather than a continent and that it’s a beautiful one in Hawai’i, makes the map more interesting. It’s more detailed, better looking, more focused and a pleasure to drive.
I have very little grievance except for how safe it all is. Ivory Tower has done an excellent job in addressing the faults of #TheCrew 2 and made an excellent Arcade racing experience.
#TheCrew Motorfest's closed beta is running fairly smoothly, but I'm still getting to grips with the handling. If anyone wants to try it this weekend, this invite link should still work #TheCrewMotorfest #RacingGames https://register.ubisoft.com/the-crew-motorfest-closed-beta/es-ES?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=24-WW-TCM-BMT-PreLoad_CB_PC-CON-CRM-E-RT-230720-2221&utm_id=94223&sfmc_id=61758748&ncid=287-3---1-eml-31-29-CRM--17-2-4--6----ID_79077-----&maltcode=crm_C2W_eml_email___UBISOFT____&addinfo=EMAIL&refId=j8RLMmG6z7FyBwSnBjsD7g
#thecrew #thecrewmotorfest #racinggames
Vamos a ver que tal está #MotorFest #TheCrew
#StayTuned #betatester always
#betatester #motorfest #thecrew #staytuned
🎬The upcoming release of #TheCrewMotorfest on September 14 is the opportunity to review the movie telling the creation of #thecrew2 that I had the chance to edit.
Director: Arnaud Ly Van Manh
Client: Ubisoft
#thecrewmotorfest #thecrew2 #justedit #thecrew #ivorytower
For The Love of Sci-Fi Kodi add-on: guida all'installazione
#ForTheLoveofSciFi #Kodi #TheCrew #cinema #ondemand #movies #tvshows #RealDebrid #trakt
#fortheloveofscifi #kodi #thecrew #cinema #ondemand #movies #tvshows #realdebrid #trakt
I loved the #UbisoftForward this year. They seem to finally be back on track.
#StarWarsOutlaws & #AvatarFrontiersOfPandora are ambitious! The previews for Outlaws finally showed what makes it (completely) different from #StarWarsJediSurvivor.
Avatar looks like an alien (and Aliens) version of #FarCry
#ForzaHorizon5 feels like a league above #TheCrew Motorfest. Should be good for #PS5 though.
Shockingly, I am not "feeling" #AssassinsCreedMirage. I loved AC1. I can't put my finger on it.
#ubisoftforward #starwarsoutlaws #avatarfrontiersofpandora #starwarsjedisurvivor #farcry #forzahorizon5 #thecrew #ps5 #assassinscreedmirage
#TheCrew is a great little card game! If you like trick taking games, definitely check it out!
However, I recommend that you play with either all non-bridge players or all bridge players. We have playing with one bridge player, and he reads every card we play as a signal for something. It's led to some really frustrating moments. Maybe this is a communication issue specific to our group, but I imagine it's not.
Kotaku: Assassin's Creed Subscription Comes To Xbox, Costs More Than Game Pass https://kotaku.com/assassin-s-creed-subscription-ubisoft-game-pass-1850333180 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #assassin27screed #videogamesequels #creativeworks #ravingrabbids #scottpilgrim #windowsgames #videogaming #lunaservice #videogames #southpark #frontiers #thecrew #ubisoft #netflix #farcry #steep #luna
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #assassin27screed #videogamesequels #creativeworks #ravingrabbids #scottpilgrim #windowsgames #videogaming #lunaservice #videogames #southpark #frontiers #thecrew #ubisoft #netflix #farcry #steep #luna
Chains Reaction Kodi add-on: guida all'installazione
#ChainsReaction #Kodi #cinema #ondemand #TheCrew
#chainsreaction #kodi #cinema #ondemand #thecrew