"More than anything else Lord of the Rings communicates a sensibility utterly at odds with the spirit of the age in which it was written. It is one of profound, tragic loss, of the vulnerability of irretrievable, ancient beauty, that must desperately be conserved and defended. It is of the inherent heroism of standing against destructive change, of hope beyond all reason, amidst the logic of history, which Tolkien named “the long defeat”."
Unfortunately, he's right. I'm a HUGE fan of #TheCritic, but unless they just happened to stumble onto a brand new formula that somehow recaptures that lightning-in-a-bottle quality with a mostly new cast, attempting to revive the show would be a huge mistake at this point.
The godawful 'webisodes' they produced are a decent glimpse into the crystal ball on that. Let them serve as a dire warning.
No doubt this is the most important article you will read today.
Day 70, if the chalk stinks, just don't draw! #chalk #art #thecritic #jaysherman
#chalk #art #thecritic #jaysherman
Trained on about 400 selected images from #TheCritic. The results are mixed and take a lot of fiddling of the settings and prompt weights, but occasionally you get a semi-pleasing, stylized image that (VERY) vaguely evokes the art style.
I'll need to come back to this one.
#thecritic #stablediffusion #aiart #itstinks
@InvincibleSugar #Simpsons #SouthPark #Madoka #InvaderZim #XJ9 #Rugrats #Peanuts #TheFairlyOddParents #AngelBeats #DannyPhantom #PowerPuffGirls #SailorMoon #MagicSchoolBus #RubyGloom #FisforFamily #GravityFalls #BillyAndMandy #Ponyo #TheCritic #DragonTails #Roll #TheSecretOfKells #GolanTheInsatiable #PrincessTutu #TeamUmizoomi #JohnnyBravo #Clifford #CU34
#simpsons #southpark #madoka #invaderzim #xj9 #rugrats #peanuts #thefairlyoddparents #angelbeats #dannyphantom #powerpuffgirls #sailormoon #magicschoolbus #rubygloom #fisforfamily #gravityfalls #billyandmandy #ponyo #thecritic #dragontails #roll #thesecretofkells #GolanTheInsatiable #princesstutu #teamumizoomi #johnnybravo #clifford #cu34
Oh boy. Fitting all these tags is going to be tough.
Do you recognize any of these girls? Tell me in the comments!
#loli #SFW #wholesome #fanart #crossover
#Simpsons #SouthPark #Madoka #InvaderZim #XJ9 #Rugrats #Peanuts #TheFairlyOddParents #AngelBeats #DannyPhantom #PowerPuffGirls #SailorMoon #MagicSchoolBus #RubyGloom #FisforFamily #GravityFalls #BillyAndMandy #Ponyo #TheCritic #DragonTails #Roll #TheSecretOfKells #GolanTheInsatiable #PrincessTutu #TeamUmizoomi #JohnnyBravo #Clifford
#loli #sfw #wholesome #fanart #crossover #simpsons #southpark #madoka #invaderzim #xj9 #rugrats #peanuts #thefairlyoddparents #angelbeats #dannyphantom #powerpuffgirls #sailormoon #magicschoolbus #rubygloom #fisforfamily #gravityfalls #billyandmandy #ponyo #thecritic #dragontails #roll #thesecretofkells #GolanTheInsatiable #princesstutu #teamumizoomi #johnnybravo #clifford
Odd lesser well know #Cartoon from the #90s #TheCritic #JAYSHERMAN Getting ridden by his Cowgirl #ALICETOMPKINS
barely made the cut from what i need to redo scrap or post but still makes me smile so it just snuck by hope you all like it
#CrimsonDigits #milf #Cute
#cartoon #90s #thecritic #JAYSHERMAN #ALICETOMPKINS #CrimsonDigits #milf #cute
Could the monarchy have saved #Afghanistan ?
#thecritic #ZahirShah #monarchy #afghanistan