I have a lot of great Long Reads in this week's issue of #TheCrux to keep you entertained over the break.
Sign up here to get it: https://pivotnine.com/newsletter/ #newsletter
It's time to compile the last issue of #TheCrux #newsletter for the year!
I won't be talking about the ongoing :birdsite: meltdown but I'm not sure what to write for my final column of the year.
What would you like to hear about?
Really liked this in #TheCrux
The Strength of Weak Ties
- A paper (by Mark Granovetter |1973 American Journal of Sociology) about how networks of people might work, drawing a contrast between strong ties (people who know each other very well and like each other a lot) and weak ties (people who don't know each other that well, but maintain contact).
Weak ties appear important for information flow between #people. #StrongTies bind groups together, and #WeakTies act as "bridges" between #groups.
#thecrux #people #strongties #weakties #groups
Really liked this in #TheCrux
The Strength of Weak Ties
- A paper (by Mark Granovetter |1973 American Journal of Sociology) about how networks of people might work, drawing a contrast between strong ties (people who know each other very well and like each other a lot) and weak ties (people who don't know each other that well, but maintain contact).
Weak ties appear important for information flow between #people. #StrongTies bind groups together, and #WeakTies act as "bridges" between #groups.
#thecrux #people #strongties #weakties #groups