Kotaku: Free-To-Play Shooter Shuts Down For Good Due To Cheaters https://kotaku.com/cycle-frontier-multiplayer-free-shooter-cheaters-1850591750 #gaming #tech #kotaku #cheatinginvideogames #escapefromtarkov #thecyclefrontier #yagerdevelopment #specopstheline #windowsgames #shootergame #fortunaiii #epicgames #specops #sports #yager
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #cheatinginvideogames #escapefromtarkov #thecyclefrontier #yagerdevelopment #specopstheline #windowsgames #shootergame #fortunaiii #epicgames #specops #sports #yager
Interesting scene we’ve got there: three bloodthirsty Prospectors, fighting for whatever scraps this area may contain, probably blissfully unaware of their surroundings.
Can’t wait for that Howler to come home, I’m sure it’ll be thrilled to see dinner was served so early.
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
That Prospector may have the high ground, but it’s still a 1v2, so it’s not over yet.
How about you? Would you rather have the advantage of terrain or number superiority?
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Some time ago, we asked you folks to share your favorite Prospector customizations, and boy howdy did you all deliver. Here's this week's highlighted fits!🔥
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Aaaah, Fortuna III. Its wonderful scenery, its lush vegetation, its breathtaking landscapes. A real corner of paradise down there. What more could any Prospector possibly wish for?
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
*record scratch* *freeze frame*
Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Last weekend, we asked you folks to share your favorite Prospector customizations, and you all delivered. Here's this week's highlighted outfits!🔥
Want to take part? Check out the thread. ⬇️
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Prospect Station Tip #136: Check your available jobs BEFORE you sell stuff, not after.
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
Howlers are busted and the top hunters have been announced, but we’ve still got another contest running, right?
We have our TikTok winners: daedelus27 and cyclefanaticz, who will both be added to the special leaderboard on Prospect Station in our next update!
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
Looks like bustin' Howlers was your business - and boy was business good.
We now have our top 10 Howlerbusters, who will be immortalized on the station in a future update, check the thread for the final results! 👇
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
With so many different ways to mix and match your Prospector, we'd love to see which outfit you've been using on Fortuna III. 🔥
Read on to see how you can submit yours! As we'll be sharing a few outfits directly from our players next week! ⬇️
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
We’ve got a cool little artwork to share with you all, something to showcase all the new characters from Season 3?
So who’s your favorite this season?
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Heya there Prospectors!
Here’s our last leaderboard update before the end of the challenge. If you don’t see your name on there, it’s time to pick up the pace and grab your biggest gun yet! The full leaderboard is available here: https://thecycle.game/howlerbuster
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
Here's a quick update of our current leaderboard for our ongoing creator competition. The creators seem dead-set on getting their hands on our big prizes.
Go for it, now's not the time to relent!
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
We have hotfix 3.2.1 coming up. Make sure to evac as soon as you can! 🚀
Start: 10:00 AM CEST / 04:00 AM EDT.
Duration: About 2.5 hours.
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Hey Prospectors!
We will have a maintenance tomorrow around 3am EST / 9am CEST and we expect it to last for about 3.5 hours.
Details in the thread ⬇️
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier
Does anyone else think the Crusher has suspiciously soft ankles for a creature who spends their time lifting and throwing boulders around on the surface? That, my friend, is called a "weak spot."
#f2p #videogames #pcgaming #gaming #thecyclefrontier