What a strange headline from #TheDailyBeast. #BillMaher hasn't even pretended to be a liberal for at least a decade.
In their defense, some Feds are neo-Nazis. That’s why they refused to investigate Giuliani for being compromised.
#TheDailyBeast #RightWingInfluencers #DenyReality #NeoNazis #Feds #Claiming #Politics #news
#rightwinginfluencers #thedailybeast #denyreality #neonazis #feds #Claiming #politics #news
Right-Wing Influencers Deny Reality by Claiming Neo-Nazis Are ‘Feds’
#TheDailyBeast #RightWingInfluencers #DenyReality #NeoNazis #Feds #Claiming #Politics #News
#thedailybeast #rightwinginfluencers #denyreality #neonazis #feds #claiming #politics #news
Love this headline.
Ron DeSantis Is Afraid of Questions From a 15-Year-Old https://www.thedailybeast.com/republican-president-candidate-ron-desantis-is-afraid-of-questions-from-15-year-old-quinn-mitchell?source=twitter&via=desktop via #thedailybeast #DeSantis
Ron DeSantis Is Afraid of Questions From a 15-Year-Old
#RonDesantis #QuestionsFrom15YearOld #RepublicanCandidate #QuinnMitchell #AfraidOfQuestions #TheDailyBeast #Politics #News
#rondesantis #questionsfrom15yearold #republicancandidate #quinnmitchell #afraidofquestions #thedailybeast #politics #news
As per #TheDailyBeast
The super #PAC fueling #Florida Gov. #RonDeSantis’ 2024 bid 4 #WhiteHouse has scaled back efforts in number o key states, includn #Nevada & #California, officials confirmd 2 #NBCnews. The PAC, #NeverBackDown, has also backd down in #NorthCarolina & #Texas, 2 other #SuperTuesday states alongside California. Group plans 2 halt its door-to-door canvassing operations in those states in order 2 conserve resources 4 early-voting states like #Iowa, #NewHampshire, & #SouthCarolina
#thedailybeast #pac #florida #rondesantis #whitehouse #nevada #california #nbcnews #neverbackdown #northcarolina #texas #supertuesday #iowa #newhampshire #southcarolina
Most interesting things I've watched lately are both Channel 4,Top Guns, an RAF documentary, and Alone, where people are put in First Nations territory in Canada with no food and their choice of survival tools.
Interesting. Perhaps it's the logical end of algorithmic choice, almost no choice at all, and no prospect of anything new.
I'm not a huge TV consumer, last thing on Netflix was "The Electric World of Louis Wain", and before that, Black Mirror, Wednesday and Stranger Things, so they probably have me catalogued.
Especially if they share data with Amazon, because I watched Good Omens recently.
(26 Aug) - Kanye’s Ex-Publicist Among Slew of Last-Minute Surrenders in Georgia https://www.thedailybeast.com/kanyes-ex-publicist-trevian-kutti-among-final-trump-co-defendants-to-surrender-in-georgia?ref=scroll #TheDailyBeast #KanyesExPublicist #GeorgiaSurrenders #TrumpCoDefendants #LastMinuteSurrenders #Georgia #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110953939830026211
#news #politics #georgia #lastminutesurrenders #trumpcodefendants #georgiasurrenders #kanyesexpublicist #thedailybeast
Kanye’s Ex-Publicist Among Slew of Last-Minute Surrenders in Georgia
#TheDailyBeast #KanyesExPublicist #GeorgiaSurrenders #TrumpCoDefendants #LastMinuteSurrenders #Georgia #Politics #News
#thedailybeast #kanyesexpublicist #georgiasurrenders #trumpcodefendants #lastminutesurrenders #georgia #politics #news
A Legally Besieged Trump Focuses on a Personal Goal: Revenge Against Hillary Clinton
#TrumpRevenge #HillaryClinton #LegalBattle #PersonalGoal #BesiegedTrump #TheDailyBeast #Politics #News
#trumprevenge #hillaryclinton #legalbattle #personalgoal #besiegedtrump #thedailybeast #politics #news
Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Trump:
From #thedailybeast
"A hacker testified on Thursday that Brazil’s former far-right nationalist President Jair Bolsonaro asked him if it was possible to breach the country’s voting system to bolster Bolsonaro’s claims of fraud—even promising to pardon him if he was caught."
(17 Aug) - New Footage of Roger Stone Working to Overturn 2020 Election Emerges https://www.thedailybeast.com/msnbc-airs-new-footage-of-roger-stone-working-to-overturn-2020-election #RogerStone #Election2020 #OverturningElection #NewFootage #MSNBC #TheDailyBeast #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110906755057802178
#news #politics #thedailybeast #msnbc #newfootage #overturningelection #election2020 #rogerstone
New Footage of Roger Stone Working to Overturn 2020 Election Emerges
#RogerStone #Election2020 #OverturningElection #NewFootage #MSNBC #TheDailyBeast #Politics #News
#rogerstone #election2020 #overturningelection #newfootage #msnbc #thedailybeast #politics #news
(17 Aug) - Trump Supporters Dox Georgia Grand Jurors After Fulton County Indictment https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-supporters-dox-georgia-grand-jurors-after-fulton-county-indictment #TrumpSupporters #Dox #GeorgiaGrandJurors #FultonCountyIndictment #TheDailyBeast #News #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110903214350903762
#politics #news #thedailybeast #fultoncountyindictment #georgiagrandjurors #dox #trumpsupporters
Trump Supporters Dox Georgia Grand Jurors After Fulton County Indictment
#TrumpSupporters #Dox #GeorgiaGrandJurors #FultonCountyIndictment #TheDailyBeast #News #Politics #News
#trumpsupporters #dox #georgiagrandjurors #fultoncountyindictment #thedailybeast #news #politics
(11 Aug) - Jack Smith Wants Trump Convicted by Super Tuesday https://www.thedailybeast.com/jack-smith-wants-trump-convicted-by-super-tuesday #TheDailyBeast #JackSmith #TrumpConviction #SuperTuesday #Politics #News #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110868060984500229
#news #politics #supertuesday #trumpconviction #jacksmith #thedailybeast
From 08 Aug: - Judge Aileen Cannon Comes Out Swinging in Trump’s Favor—Again https://www.thedailybeast.com/judge-aileen-cannon-comes-out-swinging-in-trumps-favor-again-in-classified-docs-case #JudgeCannon #TrumpFavor #ClassifiedDocsCase #TheDailyBeast #News #Legal #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110853669503261679 #judgecannon #trumpfavor #classifieddocscase #thedailybeast #news #legal #politics
#politics #legal #news #thedailybeast #classifieddocscase #trumpfavor #judgecannon
Judge Aileen Cannon Comes Out Swinging in Trump’s Favor—Again
#JudgeCannon #TrumpFavor #ClassifiedDocsCase #TheDailyBeast #News #Legal #Politics #News
#judgecannon #trumpfavor #classifieddocscase #thedailybeast #news #legal #politics