If you like Film Noir Lucy I recommend “The Dark Corner” (https://youtu.be/J1lG0hVKvMo) and “The Fuller Brush Girl”(https://www.d-archive.org/the-fuller-brush-girl-1950/)
#TCMParty #TheDarkCorner #TheFullerBrushGir #LucilleBall #ILoveLucy
#tcmparty #thedarkcorner #thefullerbrushgir #lucilleball #ilovelucy
“I feel all dead inside. I’m backed up in a dark corner and I don’t know who’s hitting me.”
Mark Stevens in The Dark Corner
#thedarkcorner #henryhathaway
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#thedarkcorner #henryhathaway #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
Remembering American film, stage and radio actor, #CliftonWebb (1899-1966), born Webb Parmlee Hollenbeck in Indianapolis #onthisday. A ballroom dancer and star of vaudeville and Broadway musicals, on film he excelled as aloof misanthropes and narcissists. Magnificent as dirt-digging, poisonous columnist Waldo Lydecker in Otto Preminger's #Laura (1944), he memorably reteamed with Gene Tierney in #TheRazorsEdge and portrayed the duplicitous gallery owner in #TheDarkCorner (both 1946).
#filmnoir #thedarkcorner #therazorsedge #laura #onthisday #cliftonwebb