[26] I like my character sheets pretty and digital. I think playbooks are my favourite, because you need nothing else to play – just your playbook.
So … let you introduce you to this sweet nightmare of a character sheet that is NOTHING of the sort! Because that’s how we played #TheDarkEye 4.1, and we loved it.
[21] I bought the three academy books for #TheDarkEye 4.1 secondhand when they were no longer available and did not regret it.
I think it’s admirable that the authors managed to flesh out 43 (!) unique and interesting mage academies.
They make wonderful character backgrounds. You get a feeling who someone IS who lived and studied there for many years.
Most memorable character demise
Hmm. Difficult. I'm not sure one of my characters ever died.
The most memorable party kill I ever did was chasing my troupe in #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #thedarkeye with a Shruuf demon.
It has several attacks and was way overpowered and killed them in very few attacks.
Afterwards, we decided it was a trial fight because I had entirely misjudged the strength of the demon.
#rpgaday2023 #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #thedarkeye #rpg #ttrpg
[12] An old game I still play is definitely #TheDarkEye .
Yes, I know. But we are committed now. None of us is leaving before #BahamuthsRuf is finished. Watch us die heroically. ^^
And guess where I am now. #RatCon23
#thedarkeye #bahamuthsruf #ratcon23
[10] I don't know if tie-in fiction is a thing for me.
I disliked the few older #TheDarkEye novels I read for research purposes. But I hear the more recent ones are way better.
And there are some #BitD novels I want to read because of the setting.
[5] The oldest Game I played was #GURPS, I think. Not too long ago, and not a very long time. It sure FELT old.
Though, we shouldn’t forget that the first edition of #TheDarkEye is older than the first edition of GURPS. A little bit.
#rpgaday2023 #gurps #thedarkeye
First #RPG gamemaster?
I have to disappoint. That was also #DasSchwarzeAuge / #TheDarkEye , back in the day.
This year? I think also #DresdenFiles by @evilhat .
#rpg #dasschwarzeauge #thedarkeye #dresdenfiles #rpgaday2023
@gamemagprintads Wish #GOG or #Steam would bring this game back right now you have to go to a site called The Collection Chamber to download this one #TheDarkEye is extremely weird but certainly unique
Quickly scribbled Alrik after finishing #WolvesontheWestwind (a visual novel set in the #TheDarkEye #TTRPG universe) for the 3rd time. And yeah, I can't help it that I (often) prefer male main characters over female ones.
...but you CAN actually play as a female main character (hurray for choice!) and also either have a female or male NPC accompany you on your quest (though guess which I prefer XP)
#wolvesonthewestwind #thedarkeye #ttrpg #scribble #fanart
Ich will mehr DSA point and clicks 🥺
#dsa #thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #pointnclick #daedalic @daedalic
Also so wie Memoria und Satinavs Ketten
#dsa #thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #pointnclick #daedalic
Hasbro-WotC's self destruction made me look into some other games. Most folk I game with won't go that far outside it so no narrative indy games. Was looking at these games cause of my language learnings. So trying out the computer games based on them. Probably not the best way to choose games but...
Darkar och Demoner, a Swedish D&D like game, is getting a translation called Dragonbane. Just looks like a generic D&D like system but with duck people. It might have had an adjoined setting but that may now be with another company's spin off or something. The computer game is a very cut down Diablo like called Dragonfire: The Well of Souls.
Das Schwarze Auge, a German D&D like, interesting as one of the few games to outsell D&D or other big U.S TTRPGs (CoC, VtM) in its home country. Translated as The Dark Eye in English. Has a default setting called 🤌 Aventuria 🤌 (sounds very Italian in my head). Apparently it was doing the whole living setting à la Living Greyhawk before it was cool. with regards to computer games, played the point and click adventure games a couple of years ago. Played Demonicon, an action RPG, last month and the Blackguard games, like a cross of a CRPG with more tactical elements, just there. There's a few more older ones I might grab at some point.
Will look more at the books at some point, been watching some actual plays. Maybe try and pester some folk I know to give it a shot. Maybe if I progress in my language learning look at them in their original tongues.
#Dragonbane #DrakarOchDemoner #DoD #TheDarkEye #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA #Aventuria
#dragonbane #drakarochdemoner #dod #thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #aventuria
Of all the replacements for D&D out there that I've seen mentioned, I have to say I'm pretty surprised that I've yet to see anyone mention #thedarkeye. From everything I've seen, it checks off all the boxes AND has a ton of additional material out for it. I might need to look into this myself...
Ulisses Spiele: "We want more people to discover their new favourite #NonOGL #ttrpg to be #TheDarkEye. Together, if you want, spread this link and news far and wide" https://cutt.ly/TDE-Quickstart #rol #elojooscuro
#elojooscuro #rol #thedarkeye #ttrpg #nonogl
Drakensang: The Dark Eye is possibly the best RPG you’ve never played. Hell, you most likely have never even heard of it, if you live in North America. Drakensang: The Dark Eye is a decent-looking 3rd person party-based offering for the PC from 2008 however, what differentiates it from other similar titles of the time is its supremely crunchy mechanics which truly offer something different than your more run-of-the-mill DnD-influenced or even DnD-licensed games.
#crpg #rpg #thedarkeye #drakensang #pcgaming #gaming
#LFG #TTRPG I miss playing terribly, so if there are any groups looking for players on a weekday, around 1600-2000 UTC, like once a month or every other week... Online or in the Cologne/Bonn area... I generally *prefer* #Mature #Realistic #HardSciFi
#EclipsePhase #Cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRed #TalesFromTheLoop #ThingsFromTheFlood #Alien #Kult #Ratten #Degenesis #Numenera #Vampire #Shadowrun #Firefly #Pathfinder #DandD #ADandD #Gor #DSA #TheDarkEye #Fudge #GURPS
#lfg #ttrpg #mature #realistic #hardscifi #english #german #eclipsephase #cyberpunk2020 #cyberpunkred #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #alien #kult #Ratten #degenesis #numenera #vampire #shadowrun #firefly #pathfinder #dandd #adandd #gor #dsa #thedarkeye #fudge #gurps
I've seen some people from the rollenspiel.social follow me and wondered if they like The Dark Eye (Das Schwarze Auge).
It was my first RPG and the very reason why I became a fantasy illustrator!
Years later, I made these for the game. These were made yeaaaarse ago, when I forst stared out as illustrator
#illustration #illustrator #art #artist #Fantasyart #fantasy #TTRPG #DnD #Pathfinder #dasschwarzeauge #TheDarkEye
#thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #pathfinder #dnd #ttrpg #fantasy #fantasyart #artist #art #illustrator #illustration #MastoArt
Have you ever played #PenAndPaper roleplay games? Like, typical #tabletop RPGs, for example #DungeonsAndDragons?
I've gotten into this pretty late thanks to some friends (hi @ArneFocke) and definitely fell in love with this combination of acting and socialising. Played some #TheDarkEye, #Shadowrun, #VampireTheMasquerade ever since.
I also always wanted to find some English speaking groups, but never dared to conquer the native speaker barrier. 😬
#penandpaper #tabletop #dungeonsanddragons #thedarkeye #shadowrun #vampirethemasquerade
My blessed one of Rondra. :) Her name is Nadjescha and she is from Donnerbach. She represents the more firce and angry aspects of Rondra and is not a very friendly person to be around. I love playing her :)
#DSA #DasSchwarzeAuge #TheDarkEye #Rondra #Schiraki #ttrpgart #penandpaper #pnpde #rollenspiel
#rollenspiel #pnpde #penandpaper #ttrpgart #schiraki #rondra #thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa
@TwistedByKnaves @stexonlegs nice :) we kept our "The Dark Eye" role playing group
-> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Eye alive via Skype, but we returned to meeting again in the summer and kept it on, everyone testing to keep us safe before each meeting. Has worked out well so far. But no board game sessions yet. 😞