I expected a lot of things from #thedarkforest, but Bin Laden still alive and being a big Asimov fan was definitely not one of them.
2023: book thirty-six. #books #ebooks #cixinliu #2023books #bookstodon #kindle #thedarkforest
#books #ebooks #cixinliu #2023books #bookstodon #kindle #thedarkforest
100 vues en 2 jours, sur Youtube. Pour le morceau le plus zarb que j'ai jamais composé.
C'est super rare quand ça arrive à une de mes productions.
Alors pour la peine, je vous reposte le lien (pour celleux qui auraient loupé).
#ambientmusic #music #experimental #electronicmusic #micropolyphony #threebodyproblem #TheDarkForest
#ambientmusic #music #experimental #electronicmusic #micropolyphony #ThreeBodyProblem #thedarkforest
I pulled that classic #Bookstodon blunder of staying up reading instead of going to sleep, and now this morning I am soooooooo ... Actually, I'm not particularly tired. Maybe I'm just always tired?
(Finishing #TheDarkForest, if you're curious) #ThatsMySecretCap
#thatsmysecretcap #thedarkforest #bookstodon
Im #GooglePlayStore gibt es gerade offenbar einige englischsprachige #Hörbücher von #CixinLiu, darunter die #Trisolaris-Trilogie (#TheThreeBodyProblem, #TheDarkForest, #Death’sEnd), aber auch zwei verschiedene Editionen von #TheWanderingEarth, für je 0 €: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Cixin&c=books&price=1
#googleplaystore #horbucher #cixinliu #trisolaris #thethreebodyproblem #thedarkforest #death #thewanderingearth
On the off-chance you finish The Expanse and start looking for another read... check out "The Three Body Problem" by Cixin Liu.
Volume 1 of a trilogy.
#ScienceFiction #TheThreeBodyProblem
#sciencefiction #thethreebodyproblem #thedarkforest #deathsend