@lauriekingcurtis Just finished #TheDarkHours by #MichaelConnelly. I thought it was good. Was about an LAPD Detective who punched above her weight.
#thedarkhours #michaelconnelly
@7thCav Saw your note about Desert Star. Long wait at my library. Any other #MichaelConnelly titles that you can recommend. I have just read my first from him, #TheDarkHours. Enjoyed the story and his writing style.
#michaelconnelly #thedarkhours
As a break from my usual diet of #StephenKing novels, I just completed #TheDarkHours by #MichaelConnelly #book #novel #crime #GoodRead #Crime Enjoyed reading this one. He can sure tell a #story. He has written more than 30. Which one should I read next? That is after I read King's #IT which has just arrived from my local #onlineLibrary.
#stephenking #thedarkhours #michaelconnelly #book #novel #crime #goodread #story #it #onlinelibrary