#PartThree of #Several...
And then, I #PlayedItAgain and #Again
#DragonAge2 enjoyed a #SimilarDynamic...
By #DragonAgeInquisition; I just couldn't #GiveAFuck - the only #Bloke I #Fancied was #Straight and I couldn't #TurnHim to #TheDarkSide... | #Booo
#TrueStory based on #UnrealEvents
#partthree #several #playeditagain #again #dragonage2 #similardynamic #dragonageinquisition #giveafuck #bloke #fancied #straight #turnhim #thedarkside #booo #truestory #unrealevents
#PartThree of #Several...
And then I #PlayedItAgain and #Again
#DragonAge2 enjoyed a #SimilarDynamic...
By #DragonAgeInquisition; I just couldn't #GiveAFuck - the only #Bloke I #Fancied was #Straight and I couldn't #TurnHim to #TheDarkSide... | #Booo
#TrueStory based on #UnrealEvents
#partthree #several #playeditagain #again #dragonage2 #similardynamic #dragonageinquisition #giveafuck #bloke #fancied #straight #turnhim #thedarkside #booo #truestory #unrealevents
I'm immensely proud of my wife, @likeawednesday.
She worked tirelessly on her #DataScience #MastersDegree at #BellevueUniversity for two grueling years during the pandemic, and now all of her hard work has finally paid off. She just accepted a new #DataAnalyst position with #StrategicAmerica, starting later this month!
Erin will be working primarily with #Salesforce #Tableau, whereas I'm a dyed-in-the-wool #Microsoft #PowerBI #fanboi, so we'll soon have a bitter #rivalry in our household. #ThereWillBeBlood! 🤬😏
Kidding aside, every tool has its own #superpowers and #shortcomings, and I know that Power BI can do certain things that Tableau can't do, but I'm also sure that the reverse is true as well.
Erin and I frequently talk about the #ToolsAndTechniques we use at work during our lunches and evening walks, and I'm genuinely looking forward to #learning more about #TheDarkSide from her, as we continue honing each other's minds like iron sharpening iron. ⚔️
#datascience #mastersdegree #bellevueuniversity #dataanalyst #strategicamerica #salesforce #tableau #microsoft #powerbi #fanboi #rivalry #therewillbeblood #superpowers #shortcomings #toolsandtechniques #learning #thedarkside
Heyday's wonderful writer Charles Hood is up from So Cal for one night only! Tonight at the San Ramon library at 6:30 pm, discussing, "Does Nature Exist?"
Charles is hilarious, is a poet, photographer, and naturalist, and has traveled wisely to look at all the birds and mammals he can. He's written several field guides, essays, and books of poems, and this fall we'll publish his photo heavy book on nature at night here in the West called NOCTURNALIA, coauthored with bat expert José Gabriel Martínez-Fonseca!
Editing his book of essays A Salad Only the Devil Would Eat was a total highlight of my early days at Heyday.
#bats #SanRamon #books #naturewriting #whatisnature #nocturnalia #CharlesHood #HeydayBooks #naturephotography #nightphotography #thedarkside
#bats #sanramon #books #naturewriting #whatisnature #nocturnalia #charleshood #heydaybooks #naturephotography #nightphotography #thedarkside
Rewatching #StarWars in order (again) on #DisneyPlus Every time I think of #Anakin, my heart hurts so for his transition to #theDarkSide — even though I love #DarthVader #MayTheForceBeWithYou
#starwars #disneyplus #anakin #thedarkside #darthvader #maytheforcebewithyou
To już dziś! Muzyczny Antykwariat będzie wyjątkowy z dwóch powodów. Po pierwsze: będziemy świętować 50 rocznicę wydania The Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floydów 😎 Po drugie: to będzie ostatnie wydanie tej audycji 😐 Zatem nie zapomnijcie słuchać i czekam na Was również na radiowym czacie 🖖
Moje Radio UK dostępne jest też w Repaio, MyTuner itp.
#łazik #lazik
#pinkfloyd #thedarkside #muzyka #audycja #radio #audycjaradiowa #nażywo #pl #polska #mojeradiouk #repaio #mytuner
#lazik #pinkfloyd #thedarkside #muzyka #audycja #radio #audycjaradiowa #nazywo #pl #polska #mojeradiouk #repaio #mytuner
Happy hump day.
If you need a little help to get you through the rest of the week, hopefully this brand new notorious namesake will provide a momentary distraction for you.
#starwars #darthvader #thedarkside #houseflies #flies #biology #entomology #funwithscience
#funwithscience #entomology #biology #flies #houseflies #thedarkside #DarthVader #StarWars
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
The Darkside:
🎵 Guitar Voodoo
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #thedarkside
The first band rehearsal of the year and it was AWESOME! #BassClarinet #BbClarinet #TheDarkSide
#bassclarinet #bbclarinet #thedarkside
“I Killed Anakin” Pen and Ink.
Last drawing of 2022.
Wishing you all a healthy and contented 2023.
#art #penandink #ink #darthvader #haydenchristensen #thedarkside #starwars #lucasfilm #disneyplus #blackandwhite
#art #penandink #ink #darthvader #HaydenChristensen #thedarkside #starwars #lucasfilm #disneyplus #blackandwhite
Where’s that inner child in me?
I don’t like the inner cranky older lady who judges everyone, says inappropriate things and swears like a sailor #thedarkside #bipolar
Part 3: #TheDarkSide
You probably don't think much about what happens to a #foreclosure after the bank boots the family.
There is a whole industry there, managing #vacants, a dark niche of US #housing finance that cares little about anything except cooking #BalanceSheets & #commodifying a basic human need.Certainly didn't care about my #Maryland Judiciary Case Search appearances. Nope, these cats were happy to pay me shitty wages to trash-out & rekey their #distressedassets.
#introduction #thedarkside #foreclosure #vacants #housing #balancesheets #commodifying #maryland #distressedassets
Bear in mind that #Agatha has spent her whole life being called a "witch" by the town of #Gavaldon
I would've thought that, if anything, it would've been easier for #Rafal to turn #Agatha to #TheDarkSide*
*to borrow a phrase from @StarWars
#agatha #gavaldon #rafal #thedarkside