Monkey No.09 is a double album released by The Davey Brothers & one of my all time favorite blues records. Perfect from beginning to end & great for road trip. Crank it up & sing along. But as much as I love the brothers, the accompanying vocals of Indigenous singer Mato Nanji had me going WHO’S /THAT/?!
Will post more from Mato & Indigenous tomorrow. For tonight just enjoy this.
#TheDaveyBrothers #MatoNanji #Indigenous #GirlIsMine #Music #blues #AmericanBlues
#americanblues #blues #music #girlismine #indigenous #matonanji #thedaveybrothers
@JetChuckLeeChan give The Davey Brothers a go. They only had one big double album but they’re fun. Punk blues is life!
#TheDaveyBrothers #Finch #music #PunkBlues
#punkblues #music #finch #thedaveybrothers