Lewis Hine · @LewisHine
2 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.ozioso.online

, sardine works, . Father earns $1#5 to $#25 a week irregularly during the work season for . Said that he made $#5 a day as a boy, cutting. The mother is a packer makes $#10 a week and upward, during the active season. Another boy, not in the photo, works also. In the front row are , , who cuts regularly--made a dollar in before; , with a badly cut finger, earns #25 cents a day; little works at cartoning. The father is dissatisfied with the irregular income, but cannot see the connection between his early boyhood work and his present stagnation. He is putting his little ones through the same process. Location: , .


#hamiltonfamily #eastport #threemonths #20yearsago #georgehamilton #11yearsold #threehours #theday #byron #erna #8yearsold #maine #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor

Last updated 1 year ago

🤣 I applaud your endeavor, and wish you good fortune!

I see today is , and hopefully arrangements are in place, and proceeding, as I tap into my Handy.


Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
261 followers · 411 posts · Server aus.social

Watching on . It is about Fukushima and what happened. Very good.

#theday #netflix

Last updated 1 year ago

Addio al voto dei fuorisede

in cui i fuorisede potranno votare nelle città dove vivono per lavoro o studio certamente arriverà, in Italia come c’è da tempo nel resto d’Europa, ma quel giorno
The post Addio al voto dei fuorisede first appeared on il manifesto.

Goodbye to the out-of-town vote

when out-of-town students will be able to vote in the cities where they live for work or study will certainly come, in Italy as it has long been in the rest of Europe, but that day
The post Addio al voto dei fuorisede first appeared on il manifesto.

22-5-2023 23:59 manifesto cms.ilmanifesto.it ilmanifesto.it/addio-al-voto-d

#ilgiorno #theday #il

Last updated 1 year ago

di oggi 5 maggio 2023: le previsioni segno per segno

ci anticipa come andrà la giornata di venerdì

for : predictions sign by sign

anticipates how will go on

4-5-2023 17:28 ilpescara.it/ ilpescara.it/social/oroscopo-p

#oroscopopaolofox #paolofox #paolofoxhoroscope #today5may2023 #theday #friday #ilpescara

Last updated 1 year ago

pronta ad accogliere il 'Italia, la strade chiuse e i divieti previsti

Il passaggio della Carovana Rosa è previsto domenica 7 maggio, mentre il giorno prima spazio al concerto di & Egreen

ready to welcome the 'Italia, roads closed and bans planned

The passage of is scheduled for , while before there will be a concert by & Egreen

4-5-2023 16:46 ilpescara.it/ ilpescara.it/cronaca/montesilv

#montesilvano #girod #djshocca #thecarovanarosa #sunday7may #theday #ilpescara

Last updated 1 year ago

'Italia a : le chiusure al traffico e i divieti il giorno del passaggio della carovana rosa

L'assessore ha annunciato le chiusure che scatteranno domenica 7 maggio lungo le strade dove transiteranno i ciclisti in città. Parcheggi gratuiti nell'area di risulta

'Italia in : traffic closures and bans on of the pink caravan's passage

Councillor has announced the closures that will take place on May along the roads where the cyclists will pass through the city. Free parking in the result area

3-5-2023 16:12 ilpescara.it/ ilpescara.it/attualita/giro-d-

#girod #pescara #luigialboremascia #theday #sunday7 #ilpescara

Last updated 1 year ago

tomochi · @tomochid
24 followers · 1989 posts · Server mstdn.jp

THE DAYを歌ってみた


#theday #pokekara

Last updated 1 year ago

usbs-usa · @usbs_usa
23 followers · 124 posts · Server glasgow.social