Jake Gyllenhaal is so young here but he looks about the same age as he was in Donnie Darko (2001). #TheDayAfterTomorrow
Starting #TheDayAfterTomorrow. I don't think I've ever seen this and @brandiego isn't sure if he has, but says it sounds familiar.
@socalgecko and @jdyates sent me here
I always think of that scene in "#TheDayAfterTomorrow" where they explain how #GlobalWarming could trigger a catastrophic "Ice Age" by shutting off the North Atlantic Current (as billions of gallons of melting ice water pouring into the ocean stops the circulation of warm ocean waters.) https://youtu.be/hECiEfcVZBc
#thedayaftertomorrow #globalwarming
Haha, literally!
Thinking of Michael England's 2 new papers this year on #Antarctica and the slowing circumpolar current – discovered by looking at the readings of the moored and hurled-in buoys.
#RealityVSFilm #TheDayAfterTomorrow #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCatastrophe #Climate
#antarctica #realityvsfilm #thedayaftertomorrow #climatecrisis #climatechange #climateemergency #climatecatastrophe #climate
I love this film. 😂 #ClimateChange #thedayaftertomorrow #film #cinema
#ClimateChange #thedayaftertomorrow #film #cinema
Weil auf Vox gerade #TheDayAfterTomorrow anfängt:
Ein Freund von uns hat sich im Wohnzimmer ein Minikino mit Beamer und Dolby digital gebaut. Da haben wir diesen Film vor Jahren zum ersten Mal gesehen. Krasse Bildqualität. Aber unvergessen die Szene mit dem Eisbrecher, wo der Sound des knackenden Eises einfach so großartig rüberkam.
#thedayaftertomorrow #autorinnenleben
Heute vor 121 Jahren - Die flockige Apokalypse kommt über die Stadt. Der öffentliche Verkehr bricht zusammen. Die Menschen legen die Zivilisation ab❄️#thedayaftertomorrow #eschneitfescht
#eschneitfescht #thedayaftertomorrow
Just finished watching #TheDayAfterTomorrow (2004) for the umpteenth time (it’s top fun) and it still bothers me that they don’t show the administering of the penicillin to the Laura character after all the trouble they went through getting it. And what about JD’s wolf bite? Serious lack of resolution issues… 😤🧐
I'd not be surprised if we'd get exactly the same shit as in #TheDayAfterTomorrow and we'd still have leaders in the world playing shocked to the changed reality.
In that case, I wish to see @gretathunberg #Thunberg pointing at Dennis Quaid and scream "He #ToldYaSo" and leave the room with a bucket of popcorn under her arm...
The sad part is that this seems like a scenario I'd see unfold in my lifetime...
#toldyaso #thunberg #thedayaftertomorrow
@celebdae @JoachimRipken @BlumeEvolution das traurige: #TheDayAfterTomorrow ist da garnicht mal so unrealistisch...
@Alleman @YasminAli I am haunted to this day by the library scene in that movie!
#postapocalyptic #thedayaftertomorrow
@iteration523 @rahmstorf point is: we can claim it's #TheDayAfterTomorrow once there are "supercells" above #Europe and #Asia as well...
#Asia #Europe #thedayaftertomorrow
"Cheyenne, Wyoming, recorded its greatest one-hour temperature drop, plunging from 43F to 3F in the space of 30 minutes."
Maybe #TheDayAfterTomorrow was a science show after all!
I don't know what the heck is going on with this #winterstorm but this scene from #TheDayAftertomorrow just popped into my mind
Joke aside, hope everyone stays safe !
#winterstorm #thedayaftertomorrow #blizzard #snowfall #elliott