Tipp: 11. März 2011
Japan wird von einem Erdbeben der Stärke 9 erschüttert. Es erzeugt eine Flutwelle, die ein KKW trifft. Doch damit hört es nicht auf...
Die Serie #TheDays zeigt die Tragödie #Fukushimas aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln - bei @NetflixDE.
#TheDays série 2023 vue sur #Netflix
Je l'ai dévorée en 2 fois.
Elle narre sans trop de violons l'accident de #Fukushima de 2011, qui est toujours en cours !
Pendant à la série #Tchernobyl
et au film #LeSyndromeChinois sur l'accident de #ThreeMileIsland
3 catastrophes qui nous rappellent que le risque zéro dans le nucléaire civil N'ÉXISTE PAS.
Faites votre choix citoyens, citoyennes.
#thedays #netflix #fukushima #tchernobyl #lesyndromechinois #threemileisland #centralenucleaire #atome #Flammanville
#YouWontKnowThis, yet; but...
#InBetween #MyTime as a #MilitaryFlightOfficer / #Medic and a #Civilian #ClinicalPsychiatrist; I #SpentSomeTime as a #DocumentationManager / #Controller for #AbbeyNationalBank... #BeforeSantander made #MyPost #Redundant... #Santander had its own #InHouseTeam exactly #LikeMine
#TrueStory... #Them were #TheDays...
#NotByAccident, I was also #One of their #BrandAmbassadors...
#OneDay... I may #Elaborate; but #NotToday...
🧙🛠️🤖🐺🤖🛠️🧙 | 🛫🦹🍪🦄🍪🦹🛬
#youwontknowthis #inbetween #mytime #militaryflightofficer #medic #civilian #clinicalpsychiatrist #spentsometime #documentationmanager #controller #abbeynationalbank #beforesantander #mypost #redundant #santander #inhouseteam #likemine #truestory #them #thedays #notbyaccident #one #brandambassadors #oneday #elaborate #nottoday
#Fukushimako istripu nuklearrari buruzko #TheDays telesail japoniarra ikusten ari naiz.
Atentzioa deitu dit arabiar zifrak (guk erabiltzen ditugunak) ikusteak, baita teknikari batek eskuz "KPa" (KiloPascal) arbel batean latindar alfabetoz idazteak ere.
Japoniari buruz dakitenentzat galdera: zenbateraino da ohikoa arabiar zifrak eta latindar alfabetoa ezagutzea? Japoniar arrunt bat gai da horietan idatzi eta irakurtzeko? Guk greziar alfabetoa bezala notazio zientifikorako erabiltzen dituzte?
This article remains an outstanding achievement in scientific communication. #TheDays
These #Wikipedia editors also deserve a Hugo and a Pulitzer.
Habe gerade #TheDays fertig gesehen. Es ist denfinitiv nicht für kinder.
Es wird die Geschichte von Fukushima von Anfang an erzählt. Es ist ein wenig überspitzt worden, aber vieles ist so dargestellt wie es passiert ist. Ich habe es mir in der Engliscgen Tonfassung angesehen.
Nach meiner Meinung ist es wirklich sehr gut verfilmt worden
Projector Room Podcast 140 “Ghosted Silo” 14/06/2023
This week Allan, Ted and Gareth share their thoughts and scoop up yours on all things film, cinema and TV. Themed Treat off the show is David McCallum, Private Screening takes us to Japan for The Days, we
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #CasinoRoyale #DavidMcCallum #Expend4bles #Expendables4 #fallout #Ghosted #LastShift #OneRanger #Severance #Silo #Silverado #TheDays #TreatWilliams
#treatwilliams #thedays #silverado #silo #severance #oneranger #lastshift #ghosted #fallout #expendables4 #expend4bles #davidmccallum #CasinoRoyale #projectorroom #Podcast
Projector Room Podcast 140 “Ghosted Silo” 14/06/2023
This week Allan, Ted and Gareth share their thoughts and scoop up yours on all things film, cinema and TV. Themed Treat off the show is David McCallum, Private Screening takes us to Japan for The Days, we
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #CasinoRoyale #DavidMcCallum #Expend4bles #Expendables4 #fallout #Ghosted #LastShift #OneRanger #Severance #Silo #Silverado #TheDays #TreatWilliams
#treatwilliams #thedays #silverado #silo #severance #oneranger #lastshift #ghosted #fallout #expendables4 #expend4bles #davidmccallum #CasinoRoyale #projectorroom #Podcast
We just finished watching The Days on Netflix. It was a harrowing watch showing what happened at Fukushima after the earthquake 😢 #thedays
Only one episode in of #TheDays and already had one high heart rate alert. If you liked #chernobyl on #hbo, this may be your new show (keeping in mind the causes for each situation are very, very different).
Grim, harrowing, but very good and worth a watch.
THE DAYS is a reenactment of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that happened on March 11th 2011 (caused by the earthquake and tsunami, collectively known as 3.11), and the bravery of the workers on the ground in the face of the government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) not wanting to foment panic.
#TheDays #netflix #311
Meine "Abschluss-Serie" vor meiner längeren #Netflix -Pause war #TheDays , eine Empfehlung von @share_sun . Hat sich gelohnt, eine #Serie über die Vorkommnisse in #Fukushima 2011. Wenig Effektheischerei, gute schauspielerische Leistungen.
#fukushima #serie #thedays #netflix
TV review: I'd like to recommend "The Days" on Netflix.
This gripping Japanese drama about Fukushima illustrates wonderfully how nuclear power stations have the potential to make just about any other natural disaster more disastrous.
Meanwhile we can watch in real time how the threat of damage to a nuclear power station can be used in war.
#nuclear #nuclearpower #thedays #netflix #fukushima #Zaporizhzhia
#nuclear #nuclearpower #thedays #netflix #fukushima #Zaporizhzhia
As you watch The Days on Netflix and see the technological hubris, remember that this area of Japan is filled with "Tsunami Stones" which warn future generations how close to the sea to build to keep communities safe.
Tesco knocked down a hill to put the four reactors submerged by the tsunami right at sea level. They thought they could master nature, in more ways than one.
#Fukushima #TheDays #Japan #Netflix #tsunami @sts @histodons #histodons
#fukushima #thedays #japan #netflix #tsunami #histodons
一つ残念なことは、これがnetflix でしか観られないこと。