“This is fast and happening” is a line worthy of #TheDayToday. 😂 #GBNews https://apple.news/AMFACf6CqQIOC9cmIIbWx0w
Inspired by @dirtyfeed I’ve bought myself some NEWS.
#armandoiannucci #alanpartridge #chrismorris #thedaytoday
This is Britain! #Coronation
#UK #Britain #England #CoronationWeekend #CoronationConcert #Coronation2023
#TheDayToday #thisisbritain
#coronation #uk #britain #england #coronationweekend #coronationconcert #coronation2023 #thedaytoday #thisisbritain #jupiterthebringerofjollity
This is Britain! #Coronation
#UK #Britain #England #CoronationWeekend #CoronationConcert #Coronation2023
#TheDayToday #thisisbritain
#coronation #uk #britain #england #coronationweekend #coronationconcert #coronation2023 #thedaytoday #thisisbritain #jupiterthebringerofjollity
'The Day Today' racehorse names that still make be laugh out loud when I see them in a clip"
Mrs Boothroyd’s Holiday Dancer
Onion Terror
Trust Me I’m A Stomach
Massive Bereavement
I Am A Horse
Two Headed Sex Beast
Zeinab Badawi’s Twenty Hotels
#partridge #chrismorris #thedaytoday #BBC #comedy
Favourite #TV shows (in no particular order)
Fawlty Towers #fawltytowers
Monty Python's Flying Circus #montypython
Doctor Who #doctorwho
The Day Today #thedaytoday
The Young Ones #theyoungones
Braquo #braquo
Spiral #spiral
Professor T (original) #professort
Hancock's Half Hour #hancockshalfhour
The Office (UK) #theoffice
#TV #fawltytowers #montypython #doctorwho #thedaytoday #theyoungones #braquo #spiral #professort #hancockshalfhour #theoffice