24 jaar
22 augustus 1952-22 juni 1977
Amerikaanse singer-songwriter en gitarist die in tal van bands speelde. De bekendste is #RocketFromTheTombs, een #Protopunk band die bestond tussen 1974 en 1975 waar #PereUbu en #TheDeadBoys uit onstaan. Peter speelt op de eerste opnames van Pere Ubu.
Peter wordt de catalysator van de rockscene in Cleveland genoemd.
Hij heeft een alcohol -en drugsverslaving en overlijdt na een acute alvleesklierontsteking.
#peterlaughner #rocketfromthetombs #protopunk #pereubu #thedeadboys #gonetoosoon
I’m pretty sure that I bought this #LordsoftheNewChurch album at Audio Files in Grand Rapids, MN, when I was 16. It’s worth noting that #TheLords are still one of the only so-called #supergroups that does anything for me, with a member each from #TheDeadBoys #TheDamned #Sham69 & #TheBarracudas
#VinylJunkie #NowPlaying #PunkRock #Vinyl #PostPunk #VinylRecords #RocknRoll
#lordsofthenewchurch #thelords #supergroups #thedeadboys #thedamned #sham69 #thebarracudas #vinyljunkie #nowplaying #punkrock #vinyl #postpunk #vinylrecords #rocknroll
I’m pretty sure that I bought this #LordsoftheNewChurch album at Audio Files in Grand Rapids, MN, when I was 16. It’s worth noting that #TheLords are still one of the only so-called #supergroups that does anything for me, with a member each from #TheDeadBoys #TheDamned #Sham69 & #TheBarracudas
#VinylJunkie #NowPlaying #PunkRock #Vinyl #PostPunk #VinylRecords #RocknRoll
#lordsofthenewchurch #thelords #supergroups #thedeadboys #thedamned #sham69 #thebarracudas #vinyljunkie #nowplaying #punkrock #vinyl #postpunk #vinylrecords #rocknroll
A little blurry perhaps (but we'd spent a long afternoon sitting in a pub and drinking) ... but here's a pic of #StivBators "flashing" Portobello Road in 1984. #punk #portobello #rockphotography #lordsofthenewchurch #london #thedeadboys #1980s
#StivBators #punk #Portobello #rockphotography #lordsofthenewchurch #london #thedeadboys #1980s