"God chooses to be a corpse in order to be a protagonist. The introspection of God coincides with the butchery of his body and the birth of the universe from his corpse" -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod #Climate
#cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod #climate
"In the defloration of his own meat, for the first time God steps onto the plateau of black matter where the chemistry of god is more fertile than ever. The world has its origins in putrefaction." -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod #Climate
#cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod #climate
"Every instance of the god's consumption or activity on the human plane of existence is sheer devastation." -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod #Climate
#cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod #climate
"katabasis (chthonic descent) which gods undergo in order to be transmuted into dead gods. The descending god seeks to open and be opened, to ravage and be ravaged." -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod
#cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod
"The word #avatar is translated as a chthonic openness and non-escapist flight. A chthonic death mask. Correspondingly, the avatar is functionally connected to the catadromic depths of darkness" -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod
#avatar #cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod
"Katabasis, chthonic descent, the process by which energy, in the form of the accumulated organic matter of the Carboniferous Period descends into the earth in order to putrefy in an oxygen-free environment into liquid energy stored in #Carbon bonds" -- #Cyclonopedia #Oil #Parapolitics #TheDeadGod
#carbon #cyclonopedia #oil #parapolitics #thedeadgod