Favourite line from #TheDecadeInTory so far:
the greatest news story in history had just landed. David Cameron, as part of an initiation ceremony into an exclusive university dining society, had inserted his penis into a dead pig.
I’d forgotten the joy of it:
“Social media went absolutely insane: so much of Britain’s time was spent exchanging pig jokes on Twitter that there were official concerns it could affect UK productivity figures.”
and it was the last time I was happy about politics.
Currently reading #TheDecadeInTory. It’s simultaneously amusing, depressing, and enraging.
Actually, I suspect it should have had “enraging but engaging” as its strapline.
Aha! @RussInCheshire so glad to see you here. Love the book #thedecadeintory Why can't the oppo channel you, ffs? #SpittingFeathers #ToriesOut
#thedecadeintory #spittingfeathers #ToriesOut
The Conservative chaos didn't start and end with the member-backed Liz Truss fiasco.
@RussInCheshire's #TheDecadeInTory is a *must-read* - it highlights what what, without bumming you out.
Buy 👇 go to your local indie bookshop or there's a link on the site | #Christmas
RT @RussInCheshire
My first book, The Decade In Tory, is published 27 Oct.
It's already had some early reviews, and I'm rather chuffed by them, so here they a…
RT @RussInCheshire@twitter.com
I don't like to boast, but I finished writing #TheDecadeInTory in Jan this year, and the last chapter has 24 pages covering the PPE scandal in detail. With jokes.
I'm not sure how it took The Times so long to notice. And end up so much less funny.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RussInCheshire/status/1602216750745112576
I guess I best get cracking before the new one comes out, tissues for tears and skin glue for split sides at the ready
@RussInCheshire #TheDecadeInTory
Russ, I’m reading #TheDecadeInTory incredibly slowly (for the sake of my blood pressure, you understand). I just reached the description of the 13 candidates initially pitching to replace Teresa May. (Page 333 on)
Your descriptions are always glorious but there’s only word for this set of pen pictures:
Thank you
RT @DaSkwire@twitter.com
Lovely present from @sometallactor@twitter.com and @elliemjones@twitter.com: the superb #TheDecadeInTory by @RussInCheshire@twitter.com.
Already made my Dad laugh with the line "If he were any thicker, he'd set." 😂
Thanks for an illuminating Sunday read, Russ
@chrischirp perhaps @RussInCheshire can help as he’s written a great book #thedecadeintory
Blimey - have only just bought the first one. 👍😊 #TheDecadeInTory
@RussInCheshire Terrific news! I meant to say that my copy of #TheDecadeInTory has arrived, and I'm just waiting for some uninterrupted time to start it.
Jerry's rather unimpressed that it's not edible:
Exciting (for me) news. I'm writing a follow-up to #TheDecadeInTory
The book covers the fall of Johnson, drive-by prime minister Liz Truss, and the rise to power of Rishi Sunak from the Inbetweeners
The book is crowdfunded, and will be delivered to the publisher in June next year. Pre-ordering it now means your name goes in the book, plus options for a signed copy and whatnot.
Except here https://unbound.com/books/four-chancellors-and-a-funeral/excerpt
Hope you'll back it! Thanks everyone
A recent "personal chronological advancement event" saw a copy of 'The Decade in Tory' by Russ Jones land in my lap. I finally have a little time to get stuck in and am much looking forward to it. If it's as good as Russ's 'Week in Tory' threads, it's going to be great!
#thedecadeintory #TheWeekInTory
@AllieCat Meant to add a shout-out to @RussInCheshire for his hilarious yet horrifying #TheDecadeInTory
Eye-opening and mouth-dropping outline of Gove's apprenticeship scheme is just one of the tales of shocking governance #TheDecadeInTory @RussInCheshire
Here's our link... other local bookshops are available - but check out the book and treat yourself
Eye-opening and mouth-dropping outline of Gove's apprenticeship scheme is just one of the tales of shocking governance #TheDecadeInTory @RussInCheshire
Here's our link... other local bookshops are available - but check out the book and treat yourself
Eye-opening and mouth-dropping outline of Gove's apprenticeship scheme is just one of the tales of shocking governance #TheDecadeInTory @RussInCheshire
Here's our link... other local bookshops are available - but check out the book and treat yourself
Hello, we are #Unbound, the world's first #crowdfunding #publisher. You might know us from Twitter (@unbounders), or from popular titles such as #TheGoodImmigrant #Poguemahone #ACuriousHistoryofSex #Birds #DiceMen and #TheDecadeinTory.
We're a friendly bunch, based in London, UK but we commission, sell and ship worldwide. We're here to chat all things #UnboundBooks (and we quite like other books too).
Check out https://unbound.com/ :D
#publishing #introduction #books #unboundbooks #thedecadeintory #dicemen #birds #acurioushistoryofsex #poguemahone #thegoodimmigrant #publisher #crowdfunding #unbound
@bigbeardedbookseller The only way for me to even contemplate tackling my #TBR pile is to stop going to the library, as I have been borrowing a steady stream of new books over the summer and autumn. So, discipline! This week I am down to one borrowed book (Fabbri, Alexander's Legacy) and have started reading Russ Jones's #TheDecadeinTory (hardback) and Juno Dawson's #HerMajestysRoyalCoven (Kindle) from my home pile.
#hermajestysroyalcoven #thedecadeintory #tbr