suite à un pouet (toot pour le coup) alléchant, ici,
j'hésite à m'offrir #TheDeluge de #Markley
I just finished the book The Deluge, and, well. It’s quite something. I didn’t love it the way I loved The Overstory, but it’s still a good story. #bookstodon #reading #TheDeluge #ClimateChange
#bookstodon #reading #thedeluge #climatechange
I’ve been spending a lot of time at the local library this summer. Part of the perks of being a teacher. I’ve read #TheClimateBook Book by #gretathunberg and I wish I would have had a copy of it 15 years ago when I started explaining #climatechange to the people around me. I read #TheDeluge by Stephan Markley and it was comprehensive in its analysis of potential policy but it relied on a white, messianic Bella Abzug to bring folks together. 1/2
#TheClimateBook #gretathunberg #ClimateChange #thedeluge
@garbageman I do too. I just read a piece of speculative climate change fiction (all 900 pages) and I'm regretting ever having children. #TheDeluge
“My father never went to the doctor; he distrusted the entire profession. It was an untreated kidney infection, a pain in his lower back he refused to believe was anything, which in turn led to sepsis. By the time I got to the hospital in Anamosa, he was in a coma, unresponsive to antibiotics. And then gone.”
Wow. Stephen Markley predicted my entire future. #TheDeluge
(Not snark, just very self aware)
Almost finished with #TheDeluge @RuchardXBrooks
I like it, a lot going on. I’m reluctant to read last 70 pages. Will add more later but throughout it all I’ve wondered if he was influenced by John Brunner’s The Sheep Look Up. It’s been 40 years since I read it but I think about it a lot. Style and story are similar
@drvolts @billmckibben I finished #TheDeluge and it was AMAZING. I had my little nit picks (handcuffs in a lock box?so much food inflation but the price of carbon is only $100/ton in 2040?), but the depth of the world building, plot, and characters is stunning, not to mention the scope of covering from 2013 to 2040 with such realism. It's truly epic. Every time I close the book, I thought, 'get out of my head' to the author (I was too engrossed while reading to think that) #SpeculativeFiction
#speculativefiction #thedeluge
I find climate change fiction interesting and enlightening. Thinking about reading The Deluge by Stephen Markley. Anyone already read it and would recommend it (or not)?
#TheDeluge #Markley #fiction #readers @bookstodon #books
#Books #readers #fiction #markley #thedeluge
I’m 100 pages into #thedeluge by which I picked up from Solid State Books after reading the #WaPo review and seeing @drvolts endorsement. I just got to the near future- 2025. Started v strong for me w/ a relatable climate scientist. Second chapter was so boring (post modern text boxes about characters I didn’t need that much on), I struggled. Now I’m drawn in! He brought in a feisty activist character I like so far :) 800 pages to go. #bookstodon #clifi #speculativefiction
#speculativefiction #clifi #bookstodon #wapo #thedeluge
I don't read a ton of fiction, but Stephen King has me kind of excited to read #TheDeluge. Never read any of Markley's other books. They sound great though.
Attention, Seattle! 🔈 Don't miss out on this event with author Stephen Markley and on #TheDeluge at!
RSVPs are required here:
“You just show me where to turn up. I’ll have your back come marriage, divorce or murder trial”.
OMG I love #TheDeluge by Stephen Markley