The Devils Hour - Renewed for a 3rd Season by Prime Video?
#TheDevilsHour #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#thedevilshour #tv #television #renewed #renewals
@SunDancer Checking my watched list, without any particular order
#mrpickles #jonathanstrangeandmrnorrell #sharpobjects #luther #blackmirror #Beforeigners #raydonovan #watchmen #thenewpope #dark #theamericans #criminalgermany #criminalfrance #criminalspain #criminalunitedkingdom #girihaji #happy #Invincible #thedevilshour #ThePeripheral #goodomens #thesandman #theboys #theenglish #finalspace #InsideMan #thelegendofvoxmachina #talesfromtheloop #thegrandtour #clarksonsfarm
Spoilery thoughts after watching the final episode of The Devil's Hour tonight, the spooky thriller starring Jessica Raine and Peter Capaldi. Only read these if you've seen the last episode. #TheDevilsHour #TV #DevilsHour #PeterCapaldi
#PeterCapaldi #devilshour #tv #thedevilshour
Watching the final episode of #TheDevilsHour. #PeterCapaldi is brilliant. #DevilsHour #TV #Scifi
#scifi #tv #devilshour #PeterCapaldi #thedevilshour
After finishing #RingsOfPower last weekend we can start watching another series, an episode a week if we are lucky, and my health permitting. Next up is #TheDevilsHour, starring #JessicaRaine and #PeterCapaldi. Looking forward to this one. #DevilsHour #Television #TV
#tv #television #devilshour #PeterCapaldi #jessicaraine #thedevilshour #RingsOfPower
New #blog post:
I've been tooting about #TheDevilsHour for a few days now and finally finished the first season.
tl;dr: go and watch it! Like...right now! If you're into creepy atmosphere and mystery, it's 6h well spent. 🤩
If you want some deeper thoughts, feel free to spend a few minutes with my blog post. But beware: SPOILERS!!!
This also marks my 3/3 posts for #BringBackBlogging, although I feel it's a little unfair to have a spoiler heavy blog post in there. 😅
#blog #thedevilshour #bringbackblogging
If you're looking for something to watch -- kinda crimey, slightly spooky, vaguely sci-fi-ey, #TheDevilsHour on Amazon is not bad. #TV
We're on episode four of #TheDevilsHour and neither of us are sure what the other cop's name is. So we're just calling them Dhillon and Fat Cop. :confused_dog:
Ich schaue mir jetzt mal die Serie "The Devil's Hour" an. Eigentlich nur wegen Peter Capaldi.
Eventuell auch wegen der Handlung.
Holidays have started
Wine is open
Starting to watch #TheDevilsHour and already hooked
@spoilertv Good list.
My Picks for 2022
in no particular order...
What about you?
What were some of your favourite #TVShows from 2022?
#severance #yellowjackets #hacks #slowhorses #deadtome #outerrange #thebear #from #boschlegacy #theoldman #thedevilshour #blackbird #thelincolnlawyer #archive81 #tvshows
What am I watching? something easy and sweet? no. I'm watching The Devil's Hour and it's freaking me out! Midway through ep3. Maybe I should watch dome Big Bang Theory.
Cumprindo as tarefas do día estou a ver The Devil's Hour. No capítulo 3 estou empezando a pasar algo de medo.
E o que me fode que os do logo da pirola faltona teñan boas producións.
#nospoilers #thedevilshour #series
Bier oder Wein?
#Kranitz oder #TheDevilsHour?
Das gibt gleich wieder Diskussionen.
#Series #TheDevilsHour S01E01
Buf! Que sinistro todo. #NoSpoilers
Resumo: a miña hora do demo ven sendo ás 5:e:pico.
#nospoilers #thedevilshour #series
@SpoilerTV I voted for the following.
In no particular order.
Which shows did you vote for?
#outerrange #severance #slowhorses #theoldman #yellowjackets #thelincolnlawyer #thedevilshour #boschlegacy #archive81 #theresponder #ozark #afterlife #dexternewblood #hacks #onlymurdersinthebuilding #thewhitelotus
This weekend’s binge-target. Hearing good things about this one…
#TheDevilsHour #AmazonPrimeVideo
#thedevilshour #amazonprimevideo