On June 23, 1976, The Devil Within Her debuted in New York City. Here’s some Joan Collins and Eileen Atkins art to mark the occasion!
#TheDevilWithinHer #IDontWantToBeBorn #TheMonster #SharonsBaby #PeterSasdy #Horror #BritishHorror #GothicHorror #HorrorArt #ExploitationFilm #SupernaturalHorror #ReligiousHorror#Art MovieArt #MovieHistory #JoanCollins #EileenAtkins
#thedevilwithinher #idontwanttobeborn #themonster #sharonsbaby #petersasdy #horror #britishhorror #GothicHorror #horrorart #exploitationfilm #supernaturalhorror #religioushorror #moviehistory #joancollins #eileenatkins
On June 5, 2020, The Devil Within Her, Satanis: The Devil's Mass, Narcotics: Pit of Despair and The Terrible Truth were screened on TCM Underground. Here's some original art inspired by all of the features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #TheDevilWithinHer #NarcoticsPitOfDespair #TheTerribleTruth #HorrorMovies #Documentary #SocialGuidanceFilm #Satanism #StonerComedy #Art #FanArt
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #thedevilwithinher #narcoticspitofdespair #theterribletruth #horrormovies #Documentary #socialguidancefilm #satanism #stonercomedy #art #FanArt