#TheDirt condensed biography of Motley Crue. Could also be called Men Behaving Badly. Terrific highs and crushing lows. Many bought on themselves. Pretty sad in places. More about the dirt than the music which surprised. Also avoids the Pammy saga. Certainly lived colorfully. đž
#DreamNails #JoeUnknown #WeThreeKings #TheClockworks #FuzziebĂ€r #GRĂA #MinamiDeutsch #SeiStill #TheDirt #TheFiends #Honeyglaze #StaticInVerona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #DietervanderWesten #Embatucadores #ChebeenTeriya #BalimayaProject #TribuBaharĂș #AbayomyAfrobeatOrquestra #HoodnaOrchestra #JBKings #MelbourneDouglasAndTheRegulators #TheMoonInvaders #SmokeAndMirrors #YoungIsraelites #NewBladeRunnersOfDub #D4N #WakeUpNeo #LifeForm #MinimalOrchestra #Akusmatic #ThePolishAmbassador
#dreamnails #joeunknown #wethreekings #theclockworks #fuzziebar #groa #minamideutsch #seistill #thedirt #thefiends #honeyglaze #staticinverona #knightsofmandala #suzannebelaubre #dietervanderwesten #embatucadores #chebeenteriya #BalimayaProject #tribubaharu #abayomyafrobeatorquestra #hoodnaorchestra #jbkings #melbournedouglasandtheregulators #themooninvaders #smokeandmirrors #youngisraelites #newbladerunnersofdub #d4n #wakeupneo #lifeform #minimalorchestra #akusmatic #thepolishambassador
Btw. Mit dem soundtrack zu "the dirt" lÀuft sichs super.
#thedirt #soundtrack #running #trailrunning
Btw. Mit dem soundtrack zu "the dirt" lÀuft sichs super.
#thedirt #soundtrack #running #trailrunning
Nicht immer alles glauben was #OSM sagt.. Es möge Wege eventuell gar nicht mehr geben die da eingezeichnet sind.
(Kickstart my heart, girls girls girls usw...) #running #trailrunning #thedirt #OpenStreetMap
#osm #thedirt #trailrunning #running #openstreetmap
Nicht immer alles glauben was #OSM sagt.. Es möge Wege eventuell gar nicht mehr geben die da eingezeichnet sind.
(Kickstart my heart, girls girls girls usw...) #running #trailrunning #thedirt #OpenStreetMap
#osm #thedirt #trailrunning #running #openstreetmap