『斉木楠雄のΨ難 Ψ始動編』 灰呂杵志 語りかけ編 – Netflix https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1666140/voice-actor/
#M・A・O #Netflix #SAIKIKMT! #TheDisastrousLifeofSaikiK.:Reawakened #Vlog #voiceactor #Ψ始動編 #アニメ #ジャンプ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #マンガ #内田真礼 #前野智昭 #喜多村英梨 #声優 #小松未可子 #小野大輔 #小野賢章 #少年ジャンプ #山寺宏一 #岩田光央 #島崎信長 #愛河里花子 #斉木楠雄のΨ難 #斉木楠雄のΨ難Ψ始動編 #日野聡 #松風雅也 #梶裕貴 #森久保祥太郎 #灰呂杵志 #田中理恵 #田村ゆかり #男性声優 #神谷浩史 #細谷佳正 #花江夏樹 #茅野愛衣 #語りかけ編 #週刊少年ジャンプ #野島健児 #集英社 #麻生周一
#m・a・o #netflix #saikikmt #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik #vlog #voiceactor #ψ始動編 #アニメ #ジャンプ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #マンガ #内田真礼 #前野智昭 #喜多村英梨 #声優 #小松未可子 #小野大輔 #小野賢章 #少年ジャンプ #山寺宏一 #岩田光央 #島崎信長 #愛河里花子 #斉木楠雄のψ難 #斉木楠雄のψ難ψ始動編 #日野聡 #松風雅也 #梶裕貴 #森久保祥太郎 #灰呂杵志 #田中理恵 #田村ゆかり #男性声優 #神谷浩史 #細谷佳正 #花江夏樹 #茅野愛衣 #語りかけ編 #週刊少年ジャンプ #野島健児 #集英社 #麻生周一
#AnimeLA18 cosplay from Saturday- I was in the Artist Alley when I found this #TheDisastrousLifeOfSaikiK cosplayer as the titular Saiki Kusuo, complete with a tray of the Coffee Jellies he likes so much. He’s in a waiter’s uniform instead of his usual school uniform or causal clothes - I don’t remember that look from the anime, but it’s been a few years since I’ve seen it
#animela18 #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik
Decided to code Saiki K into #BetaCharacterAI because the ones I interacted with didn't feel accurate enough to the character.
#betacharacterai #characterai #saikikusuonoψnan #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik
The Saiki s2 between/title cards are all HORNY
#thedisastrouslifeofsaikik #saikikusuonoψnan #anime
Context: Saiki's grandfather struggles to show his emotions to others, but when he finally manages to speak he mocks Saiki's dad (his son in-law).
Saiki doesn't appreciate it and breaks the ferris wheel to scare him.
Even though his grandfather is really mean/cold on the outside, Saiki wants to expose him for the immature coward (that desperately wants to connect to his grandson) he actually is. But...
#thedisastrouslifeofsaikik #saikikusuonoψnan #anime
this anime is so fuckin cheeky
#saikikusuonoψnan #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik
@Kipruss3 For us (me and SO) it was a good season: #SpyXFamily, new season of #MobPsycho100, #ChainsawMan, the final episodes of #StoneOceanAnime, and surprisingly (since we are not that interested in football) #BlueLock.
I'm not a specialist, but if you name some other anime you like, I can try to figure out something that you might be interested in.
But from the animes anyone might enjoy - #KaguyaSamaLoveIsWar and #TheDisastrousLifeOfSaikiK are quite good.
#SpyXFamily #mobpsycho100 #chainsawman #stoneoceananime #BlueLock #kaguyasamaloveiswar #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik
MAN I want to have opinions and comments on #Anime and talk about anime but I don't watch anything mainstream 😂 Catch me watching obscure 90s and early 2000s series that no one has seen or heard of in twenty years.
And also #Hentai 🤣
#WolfsRain #GingaNagareboshiGin #GingaDensetsuWeed #Earthian #DragonHalf #Digimon #GunXSword #Outlanders #AngelOfDarkness #PrincessKnightCatue #RunesPharmacy
(I can now safely add #KabaneriAndTheIronFortress #KoutetsujouNoKabaneri and #TheDisastrousLifeOfSaikiK #SaikiKusuoNoΨNan to this, LOL)
#anime #hentai #wolfsrain #ginganagareboshigin #gingadensetsuweed #earthian #dragonhalf #digimon #gunxsword #outlanders #angelofdarkness #princessknightcatue #runespharmacy #kabaneriandtheironfortress #koutetsujounokabaneri #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik #saikikusuonoψnan