Palm Beach County DSA · @palmbeachdsa
58 followers · 169 posts · Server
nil · @nil
66 followers · 90 posts · Server

Ok so after further reflection and extrapolation I am prepared to make the claim that there are at least 29 million Anarresti names which would make the population of 20 million viable. Here are some sample names: Lodanu, Teskaf, Fadkoe, Stavek, Dugre, Kiploy, Murek, Jopsei, Vemnac, Blidna, Fivtir, Strufe, Watsok, Denay, Nidroe, Zabkul, Gralgo, Prite, Rujda, Pimlek, Sobeo, Gafvor, Tukdin, Ronsai, Vomklu, Vanora, Pidwer, Velnuc, Drivka, Yuvlep.


Last updated 2 years ago

nil · @nil
66 followers · 83 posts · Server

I can't be the only one who wakes up at night thinking about the algorithm for generating names on Anarres. Like is it possible limiting the number of available names creates a defacto carrying capacity? Or would they simply tack an extra two characters on? What if the computer was built with a 6 character "word" limit? Would it be like their y2k/y2K38?

#thedisposessed #namepocalypse

Last updated 2 years ago