It was love at first sight. Rhiannon and Cylindrical Chicken.
The story continues.
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Rhiannon's favorite video
#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Catstodon #Caturday #TheDivineQueen
Flying birds on the Cornish coast, from Paul Dinning.
#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #Caturday #thedivinequeen
It took a while because Rhiannon was always affectionate, she had to sneak into snuggling.
From a shelter who tamed barn cats. I think being hand-shy made her a leftover kitten at six months.
Someone's loss is my daily gain!
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #catart #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon and her baby Yoda imitation.
Does she seek enlightenment? Or does it seek her?
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon instinctively understands geometry.
But she cannot show her work.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon loves to sleep in the snuggly arms of my bolster pillow on the bed.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #Caturday #catart #thedivinequeen
NEW POST! What are signs of cat anxiety? - Dear Pammy at the Way of Cats
Signs of cat anxiety can happen without us realizing that is what it is.
It can be all their normal behaviors. At first, it's hard to tell if they are doing anything too much. When scratching, talking, and racing around are what they do, anyway.
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Rhiannon likes Bud.
When he's sleeping.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #thedivinequeen #budbudthespud #Caturday
It's been a wild voyage, but Bud can even snuggle with Rhiannon.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #budbudthespud #thedivinequeen
Here's Rhiannon last summer when she turned two years old.
Still a teen cat.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #thedivinequeen
Heart Cats feel particularly close, that's all. They revel in it, wish to enjoy such an exclusive bond, and are pleased when their human feels the same way. But there's no forcing it; this is a chemistry situation.
My Heart Cats were never jealous of each other, or resentful there was another one in the household.
What is the special relationship of Heart Cat? - the Way of Cats
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #thedivinequeen #catappreciator
NEW POST! Random Toy Success continues, and will. - Amuse at Way of Cats
If there is something wrong with the toy, I get rid of it. But if no one loves this one, they can sit in the toy box.
Waiting for a cat like Rhiannon.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon keeps her focus to make a perfect blep under challenging conditions.
That's my girl!
#Tortitude #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Catstodon #CatLife #TheDivineQueen
#Tortitude #CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon at six months.
This is from her first week with us. I can get close but she's hand-shy.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #thedivinequeen
Playing rope with Rhiannon one-handed. Here's what turned out to be in focus.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catappreciator #thedivinequeen
A sneaky growth stage is Suddenly Teen Cat. Rhiannon, changeable cat, seemed to transform in a few weeks.
Our round ball of fluff grew ballerina legs and a long torso. This hints at a future of sleekness, at least compared to her kitten stage.
Suddenly Teen Cat: we might not be prepared.- Age at the Way of Cats
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #catart #thedivinequeen
Rhiannon still loves her first favorite toy, Cylindrical Chicken.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #thedivinequeen #catappreciator
Black cats are great! 2(!) black cats have adopted my mum in the uk. Both just turned up at her house (separately) and started living there 😹
And I've got this lovely boy. He's called Harumichi, or Haru for short.
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#catsofmastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catlovers #catart #thedivinequeen #missmorgenmagic