"The Downward Spiral" by Nine Inch Nails released this day in 1994.
#NineInchNails #TheDownwardSpiral
#nineinchnails #thedownwardspiral
Happy anniversary to to NIИ (Nine Inch Nails) album, ‘The Downward Spiral’. Released on this day in 1994. #nineinchnails #NIN #NIИ #thedownwardspiral #closer #hurt #marchofthepigs
#nineinchnails #nin #niи #thedownwardspiral #closer #hurt #marchofthepigs
I feel terrified. Like I've none job security at all. Weekly newsletters from bossman about price hikes and think smart and saving. Saving water and electricity, we're in a public school for kids goddammit.
Right now, all I want to do is flee into the woods and live off twigs, berries and insect eggs.
*Musical Interlude*
#MusicalInterlude #NineInchNails #NIN #Closer #TheDownwardSpiral #TrentReznor #Rock #Industrial #IndustrialRock #Music #YouTube #CrankTheVolumeUp
#musicalinterlude #nineinchnails #nin #closer #thedownwardspiral #trentreznor #rock #industrial #industrialrock #music #youtube #crankthevolumeup
Currently listening to The Downward Spiral by nine inch nails.
Still an amazing album after all these years.. pity I had to wait until The Fragility tour to finally see them live..
#vinyl #thedownwardspiral #nineinchnails