Yohann · @Yohann
90 followers · 291 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

J'ai rarement l'esprit focalisé sur une partie de de la veille, et peu de jeux ou de campagnes me font cet effet de manière répétitive. C'est aussi pour cela que j'aime profondément la campagne pour . Au delà de sa rejouabilité (c'est ma 3ème campagne, et celle-là ne ressemble vraiment en rien aux deux autres), au delà de la gigatonne de ressources officielles et du travail d'orfevre de Kenneth Hite, de Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan et de Pelgrane Press, (1/2)

#NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier #jdr

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
42 followers · 101 posts · Server dice.camp

Tonight in , the Agents investigated in Amsterdam and discovered more leads on the existence of and of , without having ever met one since the beginning of the campaign. The plot thickens. @Mytholder @pelgranepress @foundryvtt

#thedraculadossier #vampires #dracula #NightsBlackAgents #gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
89 followers · 289 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Ce soir dans , nos agents enquêtent à Amsterdam, et y découvrent encore plus de pistes sur l'existence des vampires, et de , sans toutefois en avoir rentré un seul depuis le début de la campagne. Le mystère s'épaissit!

#jdr #GUMSHOE #NightsBlackAgents #dracula #thedraculadossier

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
88 followers · 274 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Nouvel épisode très sympa de , l'épisode 02. Les Agents ont réussi avec difficulté à exfiltrer leur contrat hors de Roumanie, mais ils ont peiné. D'un autre côté, ils en on un peu plus appris sur son père, qui trempe dans une secte bien glauque, mais aussi dans une branche très secrète de la Défense britannique. Et puis ils commencer à récupérer des pages de Dracula Unredacted. Prochain épisode: Amsterdam.

#jdr #GUMSHOE #NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
38 followers · 89 posts · Server dice.camp

Tonight in episode 02: the Agents barely managed to exfiltrate their mark out of Romania, but learnt more about her dad, a member of a sinister sect and privy to secrets from a very private branch of the Ministry of Defence. PLus, they've started to get pages from Dracula Unredacted. Next episode: Amsterdam.

#thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents #gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
39 followers · 80 posts · Server dice.camp

I've finally launched a new campaign for with a new gaming group, a new team of agents, and a new tack on how I approach the campaign on a whole. This evening, we got an influencer to exfiltrate from Romania, a greedy business man, operatives who're learning to work as a team and nothing actually is what it seems. See you in two weeks for the conclusion to this introduction adventure. @pelgranepress @Mytholder @foundryvtt

#thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents #gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
34 followers · 59 posts · Server dice.camp

A brand new team of secret agents is about to rub shoulders with , the most formidable , and also with his allies, his minions, and all the organisations he controls from the shadows.
A brand new group of players who can finally start , which is the most thrilling campaign ever designed in my opinion. I'm really looking forward to their first mission in two weeks. @pelgranepress @Mytholder

#dracula #vampire #ttrpg #thedraculadossier #rpg #NightsBlackAgents #gumshoe #DraculaDossier #foundryvtt

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
82 followers · 232 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Une nouvelle équipe d'agents secrets est sur le point de se frotter au le plus dangereux au monde, ainsi qu'à ses alliés, sa lignée et ses sbires, lais aussi à toutes les organisations qu'il manipule dans l'ombre.
Un nouveau groupe à , la campagne de la plus palpitante qui soit à mon goût. Début de la première mission dans deux semaines. J'ai vraiment hâte!

#foundryvtt #DraculaDossier #GUMSHOE #NightsBlackAgents #jdr #thedraculadossier #vampire

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
34 followers · 59 posts · Server dice.camp

Meet M4CB3TH, a hyper-talented hacker who discovered the . Created in 2020, my player wanted M4CB3TH to be a sleeper agent, programmed by a secret agency. M4CB3TH used to think he was chased by an operative called The Hound, until he discovered he is The Hound. With that reveal, and betrayal, the gaming group imploded. So, tonight, after a long 1-year hiatus, M4CB3TH is back, alone, lost, in need of answers. @pelgranepress

#DraculaDossier #thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents #ttrpg #rpg #gumshoe

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
82 followers · 230 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Voici M4CB3TH, pirate informatique hyper talentueux qui a découvert le . Créé en 2020, mon joueur décide que M4CB3TH est un agent dormant, programmé par une agence mystérieuse. M4CB3TH pensait être pourchassé par un ennemi du nom de The Hound mais découvre qu’il est The Hound. Suite à cette révélation, le groupe de jeu vole en éclat.
Et ce soir, après 1 an de pause, M4CB3TH est de retour, seul, paumé, et en quête de réponses.

#GUMSHOE #jdr #NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier #DraculaDossier

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
63 followers · 170 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Today my Christmas break is starting and with it a marathon, online and IRL:
- Sunday 18: playing
- Monday 19: running
- Tuesday 20: running '
- Thursday 22: running 's
- Friday 23: running 's Encore
- Wednesday 28 & Thursday 29: playing
- Friday 30: running 's Encore
@pelgranepress @TheOnyxPath

#jdr #rpg #theesoterrorists #seriespitch #DramaSystem #FearfulSymmetries #TrailOfCthulhu #thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents #13thAge #werewolftheapocalypse #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
57 followers · 137 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

@craigmaloney @pelgranepress Welcome Pelgrane Press and all the Pelgranistas!
This week, I've run already, and I'll run (Mutant City: HCIU) this Wednesday and this Thursday.
And next week, I'll launch a new campaign, all online with , a French community on .

#discord #ttrpg #clubJdr #thedraculadossier #FearfulSymmetries #DramaSystem #13thAge

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
49 followers · 84 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

@TheTweedmeister Every time I GM one-shots to people who don't know anything about Gumshoe or this game's setting, they end up asking for more.
And now I'm about to run for a second time very soon.

#thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
47 followers · 75 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

There's a been a recent surge in my activity since I settled in the server. Here are the games I'm currently running or about to launch there this December:

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, campaign starting in 1 month)

- ( / , one-shot starting in 2 weeks)

One of the perks of being a GM: running the games you love!

#DramaSystem #hillfolk #mutanthcu #NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier #13thage2e #ShardsoftheBrokenSky #TrailOfCthulhu #FearfulSymmetries #discord #clubJdr #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
47 followers · 75 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

There's a been a recent surge in my activity since I settled in the server. Here are the campaigns and one-shots I'm currently running or about to launch this December:

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, starting this December)

- ( / , starting this December)

One of the perks of being a GM: running the games you love!

#DramaSystem #hillfolk #mutanthcu #NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier #13thage2e #ShardsoftheBrokenSky #TrailOfCthulhu #FearfulSymmetries #discord #clubJdr #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann Delalande · @Yohann
47 followers · 75 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

There's a been a recent surge in my activity since I settled in the server. Here are the campaigns and one-shots I'm currently running or about to launch this December:

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, ongoing campaign)

- (, starting this December)

- ( / , starting this December)

One of the perks of being a GM: running the games you love!

#DramaSystem #hillfolk #mutanthcu #NightsBlackAgents #thedraculadossier #13thage2e #ShardsoftheBrokenSky #TrailOfCthulhu #FearfulSymmetries #discord #clubJdr #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago