Gizmodo: The Wheel of Time Returns and Finds Darkness Creeping In #theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin #5
#theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin
Gizmodo: Everything to Remember About Wheel of Time Ahead of Season 2 #theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #thefiresofheaven #brandonsanderson #hammedanimashaun #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #attheedgeoftime #thewheeloftime #georgerrmartin #katefleetwood #sophieokonedo #dragonreborn #robertjordan #danielhenney #rosamundpike #thegreathunt #barneyharris #wheeloftime #lordofchaos #jrrtolkien
#theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #thefiresofheaven #brandonsanderson #hammedanimashaun #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #attheedgeoftime #thewheeloftime #georgerrmartin #katefleetwood #sophieokonedo #dragonreborn #robertjordan #danielhenney #rosamundpike #thegreathunt #barneyharris #wheeloftime #lordofchaos #jrrtolkien
Gizmodo: The Wheel of Time Spins Toward Season 2 With New Character Posters #elaynetrakandcearacoveney #entertainmentculture #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #madeleinemadden #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #danielhenney #rosamundpike #kaealexander #matcauthorn #heraessedai #minfarshaw #faresfares #zoerobins #donalfinn #aviendha #natasha #selene
#elaynetrakandcearacoveney #entertainmentculture #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thedragonreborn #madeleinemadden #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #danielhenney #rosamundpike #kaealexander #matcauthorn #heraessedai #minfarshaw #faresfares #zoerobins #donalfinn #aviendha #natasha #selene
Gizmodo: Wheel of Time Season 2 Reveals a Mystical First Trailer #marcusrutherford #moirainedamodred #theeyeoftheworld #madeleinemadden #joshastradowski #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #nynaevealeara #elaynetrakand #thegreathunt #robertjordan #perrinaybara #danielhenney #rosamundpike #cearacoveney #wheeloftime #matcauthon #zoerobins #egweneal #elayne #rand #finn
#marcusrutherford #moirainedamodred #theeyeoftheworld #madeleinemadden #joshastradowski #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #lanmandragoran #acrownofswords #nynaevealeara #elaynetrakand #thegreathunt #robertjordan #perrinaybara #danielhenney #rosamundpike #cearacoveney #wheeloftime #matcauthon #zoerobins #egweneal #elayne #rand #finn
Okay #TwitterofTime I'm almost done with the reread of #TheDragonReborn. Yes it nearly took a year because I just kept losing track of time. This time I'm discussing the wistfulness for home that Tear brings out. #TheWheelofTime
#TheWheelOfTime #thedragonreborn #TwitterOfTime
In case you missed it my analysis of The Dragon Reborn is slowly ramping towards its conclusion.
#TheWheelofTime #TwitterofTime
As promised the last time I talked The Dragon Reborn, we're looking at the Aiel, Aviendha, and a little bit of Jordan's attempts at LGBT characters
#thedragonreborn #TwitterOfTime #TheWheelOfTime
As promised the last time I talked The Dragon Reborn, we're looking at the Aiel, Aviendha, and a little bit of Jordan's attempts at LGBT characters
#TwitterOfTime #thedragonreborn #TheWheelOfTime