We are pleased to announce that #JimButcher will be our Writer Guest of Honor for #NWC46!
Jim Butcher is the author of #TheDresdenFiles, #CodexAlera, and a new #steampunk series, #TheCinderSpires. His resume includes a laundry list of skills which were useful a couple centuries ago, and he plays guitar quite badly. An avid gamer, he plays tabletop games in varying systems, a variety of video games on PC and console, and LARPs whenever he can make time for it.
More info: https://www.norwescon.org/2023/07/19/announcing-writer-guest-of-honor-jim-butcher/
#thecinderspires #steampunk #codexalera #thedresdenfiles #nwc46 #JimButcher
I'm watching #TinFoilHatTheories about #TheDresdenFiles by #JimButcher on #YouTube.
Thinking about moving on to something #Lovecraftian and visually pleasing soon.
#tinfoilhattheories #thedresdenfiles #jimbutcher #youtube #lovecraftian
This really scratched an itch that I had after Jim read this instead of James.
It's great to see they both understand the audiobook experience now.
#jimbutcher #jamesmarsters #thedresdenfiles #thelaw
Just one thing really bothers me with #TheDresdenFiles and I know it’s early 2000 but every single female character is a potential love interest and considered „sexy“. I am used to read dated and old books with historical context (looking at you Edgar Rice Burroughs) which by modern standards would be considered problematic and thats fine, but this here is a bit too much, since it’s not 100 years old 😬
Just one thing really bothers me with #TheDresdenFiles and I know it’s early 2000 but every single female character is a potential love interest and considered „sexy“. I am used to read dated and old books with historical context (looking at you Edgar Rice Burroughs) which by modern standards would be considered problematic and thats fine, but this here is a bit too much, since it’s not 100 years old 😬
Idk this is a really fun book. Sure it’s dated, but overall I am happy I picked it up. It’s nothing special (yet) but just entertaining and fast paced. Just the right thing for this moment. I‘ll definitely keep up with the series as the books will get a rerelease with this new nice covers over the next couple months
#TheDresdenFiles #UrbanFantasy #literature #bookstodon #JimButcher
#thedresdenfiles #urbanfantasy #literature #bookstodon #jimbutcher
Idk this is a really fun book. Sure it’s dated, but overall I am happy I picked it up. It’s nothing special (yet) but just entertaining and fast paced. Just the right thing for this moment. I‘ll definitely keep up with the series as the books will get a rerelease with this new nice covers over the next couple months
#TheDresdenFiles #UrbanFantasy #literature #bookstodon #JimButcher
#thedresdenfiles #urbanfantasy #literature #bookstodon #jimbutcher
So since I am so in love with #WednesdayNetflix I decided to take a little break from the #TheExpanse readalong!
I started the first #thedresdenfiles novel and its really good so far! That’s what I wanted from #urbanfantasy (not a fan of medieval fantasy) in the first place. It feels like Buffy and old 2000 „monster of the week“-shows mixed with Constantine! I am totally down for that. It’s simple (maybe that changes), but sometimes that’s just what you need.
#fantasy #literature #bookstodon
#WednesdayNetflix #theexpanse #thedresdenfiles #urbanfantasy #fantasy #literature #bookstodon
So since I am so in love with #WednesdayNetflix I decided to take a little break from the #TheExpanse readalong!
I started the first #thedresdenfiles novel and its really good so far! That’s what I wanted from #urbanfantasy (not a fan of medieval fantasy) in the first place. It feels like Buffy and old 2000 „monster of the week“-shows mixed with Constantine! I am totally down for that. It’s simple (maybe that changes), but sometimes that’s just what you need.
#fantasy #literature #bookstodon
#WednesdayNetflix #theexpanse #thedresdenfiles #urbanfantasy #fantasy #literature #bookstodon
¡Hola! Un poco de #introducción : soy desarrollador web frontend, me gusta leer #fantasia , y sobre todo #fantasiaurbana , también #comics , más Marvel que DC pero no discrimino. Me gustan los #juegosdemesa y #rol y aunque no juego mucho a pc tengo muchas horas metidas en #minecraft . Me encantan las #series y películas de acción y comedia.
#winchester #whovian #thedresdenfiles
#introduccion #fantasia #fantasiaurbana #comics #juegosdemesa #rol #minecraft #series #winchester #whovian #thedresdenfiles
Hey, so I write #fiction. (Link in bio.)
My #shortstories have appeared in multiple #anthology collections.
My #urbanfantasy series center on Cat Sharp, an IT tech living in #lasvegas gifted with #technomancy yet burdened by a connection to the goddess of Discord, Eris. In the first book of the series, Wild Card, Eris has wagered Cat's soul in a game of poker with other #trickster deities, and Cat must get in on the action if she wants to be free of the gods forever. Marius, a #satyr with his own secrets, is up to helping so long as there's something in it for him.
Readers have compared the series to #thedresdenfiles by Jim Butcher and "Coyote Blue" by @TheAuthorGuy .
There are 4 books so far, with plans for 2 more and short story accompaniments. Available in print, #ebook and the first 2 books are on #audible if you're into that.
So yeah, link in bio to all of my work.
#selfpromo #author #kindle #EtudesInCSharp
#fiction #shortstories #anthology #urbanfantasy #lasvegas #technomancy #trickster #satyr #thedresdenfiles #ebook #audible #selfpromo #author #kindle #etudesincsharp
@sammyd I like them both. I can't argue with the convenience of digital for portability, etc.
I do like sitting down with a paper book though. I own, for example, #TheDresdenFiles in Kindle and paperback.
I always have the digital with me, but I've got the paperback at home.
Looking for people who like
#F1 (no MV stans please)
#L4NDO (Lando Norris)
#Fallout (4, 76)
#adamcole #daparty #sethrollins #jonmoxley #theyoungbucks #hangmanadampage #deadpool #spiderman #thedresdenfiles #f1 #mclaren #L4NDO #fallout #assasinscreed #beingtheelite #dolphziggler #wwe #aew #kennyomega #blackpanther #harrypotter #CharlesLeclerc #carlossainz #carlando #Drarry #wentworthmiller #gronkh
The penultimate installment of #TheDresdenFiles (that's been published at least) Peace Talks is a wild ride that isn't exactly a full novel but Act One of Two: