(Another of my games.)
I hacked The Solar System (The Shadow of Yesterday) #ttrpg into a romance novel RPG.
I spent months reading romance novels and listening to romance novel podcasts to do the research and then made a game. I don't think many actually play it due to the unusual tropes/themes of the genre. We play-tested it and had a lot of fun, and it has sold decently. Perhaps it's a nice gift for gamers, especially since the book looks like a romance novel itself.
@awinnef answered on this pattern. As the years go by I recognize fewer and fewer #ttrpg systems that people play. I'm clearly out of the loop these days.
Currently running: #OKULT
Currently playing: #Kuf
Most played : #Kuf , #TheDuneRose (If we count the last three years.)
Want to try: #ArsMagica , #HiddenKingdom
Want to return to: #TheDuneRose, #TheDaughtersOfVerona, #DrakarOchDemoner / #Dragonbane
Yes, I wrote most of the games we play. Perhaps that's why I'm out of the loop. 😄
#ttrpg #okult #kuf #thedunerose #arsmagica #hiddenkingdom #thedaughtersofverona #drakarochdemoner #DragonBane