Wrote something for The Early Manager newsletter about the practice of stillness: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=72ed72eb68
#BuildingTeams #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #LongLeadListening #TheEarlyManager
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #longleadlistening #theearlymanager
Wrote something for the newsletter on how long-lead listening increases speed, alignment, and trust: https://mailchi.mp/417d51a217e8/long-lead-listening
#BuildingTeams #Managers #ManagerTips #LongLeadListening #TheEarlyManager
#buildingteams #managers #managertips #longleadlistening #theearlymanager
Btw, If it's not quite the right moment for coaching, you can also see past editions & subscribe to the newsletter here: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=1575196613
#coaching #managers #jobseekers #theearlymanager
Anyone is welcome to pencil in a 30-minute intro to coaching call – I keep time blocks open for these on Thursdays/Fridays – and you can also learn more via the FAQs section on my site, this is non-promotional and focuses on real questions people ask me...
#coaching #managers #jobseekers #theearlymanager
Coaching for job seekers: flexible, but usually involves core materials & how to position yourself, apply, network, interview, and negotiate offers start to finish.
I work under a subscription-style model, which means we stay in touch throughout the month via email, text message or DM, voice notes, and Loom screen share.
#coaching #managers #jobseekers #theearlymanager
I don't do unsolicited emails, DMs, or cold lead gen – instead, I focus on word of mouth, so if you or someone you know is thinking about coaching, more info is below...
Coaching for managers: covers a range of topics, but is often outcome-based, for example, learning to read the room & influence across / upward in your organization or how to build internal communications, 1:1s, and alignment with your team.
#coaching #managers #jobseekers #theearlymanager
Wrote a thing about how managers can look to the comparison between a community vs. club to balance their teams
#inclusiveleadership #buildingteams #theearlymanager
Every now and then, someone asks why I named my company "The Early Manager" ...so here's the quick origin story for that:
As a former marketer & journalist, whenever I see a person or company go viral for any reason (good or bad), I know there’s usually a backstory involved.
Basically, by the time you arrive at a big moment, the decision is already made because of past work and habits. 1/3
#Coaching #Transparency #Collaboration #SharingPower #EarlyAndOften #TheEarlyManager #OriginStory
#coaching #transparency #collaboration #sharingpower #earlyandoften #theearlymanager #originstory