Day 45 #30MoreSongsChallenge
A LOCAL HERO A song by an artist from a place where I've lived
Look on Metal Archives there are a lot bands located in Marburg. I live only 10km away and lived directly for 6 years. Sometimes only one guy of the hole band live/d there 😉
#Morgoth #LayDownRotten #MilkingTheGoatmachine #TheEarwix #Hyems and all of them include friends of me.
And a very special band what I love🖤 is #SamsasTraum / #WeenaMorloch
Have been tattooed by his wife
#weenamorloch #samsastraum #Hyems #theearwix #milkingthegoatmachine #laydownrotten #morgoth #30moresongschallenge