Started this idea on tumblr but I think I'm going to do it here, too.
This is the list of the #BLdrama I've watched until now, not rated. They're listed in the order I watched them since the beginning of June.
#CherryMagic (the drama and the movie)
I also started watching #MyBeautifulMan a few days agobbut I just didn't feel it
#bldrama #semanticerror #tomystar #thenewemployee #oldfashionedcupcake #thedirectorwhobuysmedinner #theendoftheworldwithyou #CherryMagic #Given #mybeautifulman
A brisk adaptation that is on par with the original Webtoon, #TheEndofTheWorldWithYou is a riveting and intriguing...Read our First Impressions to learn more 🤗❤
#theendoftheworldwithyou #theendoftheworldwithyouep1 #theendoftheworldwithyouep2