a skitarius (any/all) · @skitarius
6 followers · 21 posts · Server wetdry.world

@lilcoppertop @bookstodon

ancient edition for late-night

sad: by the sumerians (lament for enkidu...😭)

hopeful: by of aphrodisias (happy ending!!!)

nostalgic: by the k'iche' (not of my culture, but neither is anything else on this list - my dennis tedlock copy specifically is nostalgic because of the circumstances surrounding how i got it. family, complicated stuff, memories etc.)

fearful or scared: inanna's descent to the netherworld, by the sumerians again (they hung WHAT on a hook?)

bonus: by ...it's almost entirely horrible and i did dislike most of it, but it contains a hilarious parody of the roman equivalent of the nouveau riche, and a strangely relatable bit where the protagonist is ineffectually enraged and gets his sword taken away. mood, buddy

#ThrowBackThursday #theepicofgilgamesh #chaereasandcallirhoe #chariton #popolvuh #satyricon #tituspetronius

Last updated 2 years ago