#TheESP – Ep. #381 – #BrianDeer and #AndrewWakefield
This week we have a real treat for you – an interview with Brian Deer, the journalist who more than anyone showed the world how fraudulent Andrew Wakefield was when he claimed that there could be a link between the MMR vaccine and autism (spoiler – there isn’t).
#andrewwakefield #briandeer #theesp
If we are going to be able to reach people, and if we are going to be successful in stemming the flow of misinformation, conspiracy and paranoia, we have to be able to be patient and personable, to be genuinely curious about other people and their motivations, and to understand as much as possible what can lead people off the beaten track, and into the wilderness.”
thanks to #theESP
#skeptics #science
#science #skeptics #theesp #michaelmarshall