After seeing The Eternal Daughter I can’t seem to stop thinking of Bartok even if I never really liked that kind of classical music. Am I finally growing up? Lol
#Bartok #TheEternalDaughter #Movies #Music #BelaBartok #TapiolaSinfonietta #JeanJacquesKantorow
#jeanjacqueskantorow #tapiolasinfonietta #belabartok #Music #Movies #theeternaldaughter #bartok
Review of #TheEternalDaughter written and directed by Joanna Hogg
#TheEternalDaughter has the atmosphere, but I wish it focused more on being a ghost story than Tilda Swinton acting with herself.
Spukhaus-Grusel, Mutter-Tochter-Drama? Mit falschen Erwartungen in #TheEternalDaughter zu gehen, könnte euch um ein großartiges Filmerlebnis bringen. Denn mit Horror hat man es hier weniger zu tun. Das Mutter-Tochter-Drama tritt visuell im edlen Gothic-Gewand auf und führt uns so ganz bewusst in den sprichwörtlichen Nebel...
Meine ausführlichere Review:
#theeternaldaughter #filmbubble #mastomovies #cinemastodon #filmastodon #horror
Holy eldritch cats, Batman. Yes, please:
#Eldritch #GhostStories #Movies #TildaSwinton #TheEternalDaughter
#theeternaldaughter #tildaswinton #Movies #GhostStories #eldritch
Tilda Swinton and Joanna Hogg at the Marrakech International Film Festival.
#tildaswinton #joannahogg #theeternaldaughter #fifm #MarrakechInternationalFilmFestival
#tildaswinton #joannahogg #theeternaldaughter #fifm #MarrakechInternationalFilmFestival