Festival Review: SOS Festival XIV (Saturday’s Bands) – Whittles@tokyo, Oldham (July 1st 2023)
A delayed review, for which I offer apologies. The re
#GigReviews #BlueNation #Circus66 #Crowley #LukeAppleton #LukeAppletonPowerTrio #Metaprism #OldGloryAndTheBlackRiviera #Scarsun #SOSFestival #TheEvent #TheHotOneTwo #Thorium #WardXVI #WhiteTyger
#whitetyger #wardxvi #thorium #thehotonetwo #theevent #sosfestival #scarsun #oldgloryandtheblackriviera #metaprism #lukeappletonpowertrio #lukeappleton #crowley #circus66 #bluenation #GigReviews
Who Am I? | The Event | Indie Horror Game Demo
#CJUGames #TheEvent #HorrorGame #HorrorGames #HorrorGaming
#cjugames #theevent #horrorgame #horrorgames #horrorgaming
We must take a step back and really realize the endgames in play. Does it advance the whole or a percentage? As we all understand as leaders, outside dominance is usually an undesirable process. Take the self inventory. Understand all the scope of it's legacy. But ultimately, the advancement of the, "Citizens" is the ultimate goal. That is your priority as a leader as you secure their safety in turn. Communication and understanding is very key.
#timeline #theevent #chronos #antoine
Sure, they don't compare small rises in the top marginal tax-rate to #Kristallnacht anymore:
But they are locked and loaded for #TheEvent, feathering elaborate subterranean, antipodean nests in the most luxurious bunkers New Zealand has to offer, against the day that the poors come to eat them:
it's "remain indoors" not "stay indoors" :p
or is this a different reference? @john
I'm at that annoying bit coming out of an upper respiratory tract infection (not COVID, not the 'flu either, from what I can tell, not that it helps) where my voice isn't back yet, the goo is (mostly) gone, and I've developed a coughing tic again.
I should really have known better. This crap was a regular fixture for me before #TheEvent ever since I was a kid, and three years of COVID hadn't trained people to be any less awful when it comes to spreading crap like this.
That's not a humblebrag: that's a consequence of me being an idiot who didn't schedule any earlier in the year. I was bad enough before #TheEvent, but it made a complete hames of everything. 😞
Da kannst du nicht nur recht haben, da hast du auch recht.
Die Reichsten planen schon vor für das, was sie das 'Ereignis' nennen, den Zusammenbruch der menschlichen Zivilisation.
Das hab ich mir auch gedacht, als ich dieses aufrüttelnde Interview las.
Denn vor einigen Monaten hat der Guardian folgenden Artikel von Douglas Rushkoff veröffentlicht, den es zurzeit leider nur noch auf English gibt:
Der Bunkerbau der Reichsten boomt…
Oh je du fröhliche…
...oder so ähnlich.
Eigentlich wollte ich hier jetzt einen langen Text hinterlassen. Wie ich mich fühle, wie es mir geht und was so um mich herum passiert. Weihnachtswünsche, neues Jahr, das übliche halt.
Aber mir fällt nichts ein, was man nicht schon tausendfach gehört und lesen hat. Und da ich auch noch keinen Plan habe wie sich die letzten 14 Tage des Jahres g
#allgemein #RemainIndoors #theevent