Coming to Tubi September 2023: Sylvester Stallone heads up The Expendables
Sylvester Stallone and his all-star cast of movie action heroes are expendable but entertaining in an explosive trilogy.
#Tubi #movies #entertainment #TheExpendables
#tubi #movies #entertainment #theexpendables
Action movies released in 2010…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 3.
#kickass #TheATeam #machete #theexpendables #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
Si vergogni, Jason Statham!
Duro e spietato, talvolta ironico, Jason Statham è uno degli eredi di Rambo. Ma anche lui ha qualcosa da farsi perdonare. Ecco le prove.
#boomerissimo #JasonStatham #therock #Rambo #theexpendables
The #FastAndFurious series is now #TheExpendables for millennials.
#theexpendables #fastandfurious
A game of freewheeling violence by Brad Murray and C W Marshall, I fell in love with #Hollowpoint straight away.
It involves action, violence and buckets of dice — and my main touch point when I ran it were #TheExpendables movies. There are most definitely others that work just as well.
Me, I ended up subverting it to run #ThdLordOfTheRings with a strong lean into the over-the-top action of the movies. The simplicity makes for great flexibility and it's easy to teach newcomers as a result.
#hollowpoint #theexpendables #thdlordoftherings
I have nearly not watched any movies of #SylvesterStallone , even including the movies “#FirstBlood ” & “#TheExpendables ”.
Recently, I plan to watch one TV drama he played called “#TulsaKing ”.
#sylvesterstallone #FirstBlood #theexpendables #TulsaKing
La relation entre Brigitte Nielsen et Sylvester Stallone n'aurait duré que deux ans, mais c'était une relation digne d'être mémorisée à jamais, et ce n'était pas si agréable. Ils étaient deux stars d'Hollywood avec le monde à leurs pieds.
#stallone #rocky #rambo #sylvesterstallone #rockybalboa #slystallone #sly #chicpairs #theexpendables #creed #johnrambo #barneyross #expendables #cobra #relationshipgoals #sylvester #silvesterstallone #dolphlundgren #brigittenielsen #blondebombshell #hollywood
#stallone #rocky #rambo #sylvesterstallone #RockyBalboa #slystallone #sly #chicpairs #theexpendables #creed #johnrambo #barneyross #expendables #cobra #relationshipgoals #sylvester #silvesterstallone #dolphlundgren #brigittenielsen #blondebombshell #hollywood
Da Tom Joad a Capitol Hill, passando per Rambo e Rocky #Lacorrierastravagante #MakeAmericagreatagain #ItalianStallion #eroeproletario #JohnG.Avildsen #Milieuedizioni #PrettyBoyFloyd #TheExpendables #JohnSteinbeck #VicoloCannery #DavidMorrell #DiegoGabutti #HarveyKeitel #PaulSchrader #RichardPryor #WoodyGuthrie #CapitolHill #DonaldTrump #GrandeCrisi #TedKotcheff #WallyFerris #Recensioni #bluecollar
#bluecollar #recensioni #WallyFerris #TedKotcheff #grandecrisi #donaldtrump #capitolhill #woodyguthrie #RichardPryor #paulschrader #HarveyKeitel #diegogabutti #DavidMorrell #VicoloCannery #johnsteinbeck #theexpendables #PrettyBoyFloyd #Milieuedizioni #JohnG #eroeproletario #ItalianStallion #makeamericagreatagain #Lacorrierastravagante
Valls le Félon soutient Macron (Terrene Trash 69)
#Macron #EnMarche #TheExpendables #Valls #Hamon #PS
#macron #enmarche #theexpendables #valls #hamon #ps