The Fallen vs some doomed but brave soldiers.
I could not get decent shadows working at all in the photo app for this one so had to go without. Sorry. 😑
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #revengeofthefallen #thefallen
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #revengeofthefallen #thefallen
How strange. Both Transformers Studio Series The Fallen from Hasbro and Masterverse Revelation Scare Glow from Mattel appear to be made from black plastic but both have dark translucent parts too if you shine a light through them. Both characters are voiced by Tony Todd.
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #scareglow #transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #revengeofthefallen #tonytodd
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #scareglow #transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #revengeofthefallen #tonytodd
The Fallen's transport mode looks a bit Giger-esque to me so... 🙂
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #aliens #xenomorph #colonialmarines #megaconstrux #megabloks
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #aliens #xenomorph #colonialmarines #megaconstrux #megabloks
Tony Todd is cool.
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #tonytodd #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #venom #spiderman #spidermanps5 #MastersOfTheUniverse #scareglow #megaconstrux #megabloks
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #tonytodd #actionfigures #toys #thefallen #venom #spiderman #spidermanps5 #mastersoftheuniverse #scareglow #megaconstrux #megabloks
The removable mask with the face under it that has a hinged jaw that's all good. I even like the alt mode cos I love the cybertronian style the Bayverse does. Yeah, this is a nice figure. I don't have SS Jetfire anymore though so no jetpower Prime (I have the Aoyi OS Jetfire but that's too big to combine with SS Optimus)
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #thefallen #revengeofthefallen #optimusprime #megatron
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #thefallen #revengeofthefallen #optimusprime #megatron