Actor/Singer #EdAmes, best known for his role as Mingo on 1960s TV series #DanielBoone, has died at 95. Ames appeared #OffBroadway (#TheCrucible, #TheFantasticks) and on #Broadway (#Carnival!, #OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest). His TV credits include "McCloud", "Murder, She Wrote", "It's Garry Shandling's Show" and "Jake and the Fatman". Ames is also known for one of the most famous TV bloopers of all time, demonstrating his tomahawk-throwing skills on #TheTonightShow. #RIP
#edames #danielboone #offbroadway #thecrucible #thefantasticks #broadway #carnival #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #thetonightshow #rip