My friend Lesa Bezo is a lovely singer, songwriter, guitar player, and all-around pal. This is a great driving song with her band The Fawns, from the legendary RubWrongways label:
#WesternMA #Massachusetts #Rock #Music @itsmehenning #LesaBezo #TheFawns #RubWrongwaysRecords #Dance #WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio
#westernma #massachusetts #rock #music #lesabezo #thefawns #rubwrongwaysrecords #dance #wearetheradio #tootradio
My friend Lesa Bezo is a lovely singer, songwriter, guitar player, and all-around pal. This is a great driving song with her band The Fawns, from the legendary RubWrongways label:
#WesternMA #Massachusetts #Rock #Music @itsmehenning #LesaBezo #TheFawns #RubWrongwaysRecords #Dance
#westernma #massachusetts #rock #music #lesabezo #thefawns #rubwrongwaysrecords #dance
My friend Lesa Bezo is a lovely singer, songwriter, guitar player, and all-around pal. This is a great driving song with her band The Fawns, from the legendary RubWrongways label:
#WesternMA #Massachussetts #Rock #Music @itsmehenning #LesaBezo #TheFawns #RubWrongwaysRecords #Dance
#westernma #massachussetts #rock #music #lesabezo #thefawns #rubwrongwaysrecords #dance
#TheDarlingBuds, #TheNoOnes, #Beatles, #Wire, #YoLaTengo, #REM, #AlabasterDePlume, #Dehd, #CutWorms, #PinkFloyd, #JudeeSill, #RonSexsmith, #DayWave, #HazelEnglish, #CourtneyBarnett, #TheFawns, #Spouse, #GeorgeHarrison, #JasonBourgeois, #GentleHen and more in this week's 25 Songs for this Week.
Every week we update this list for you. Enjoy!
#gentlehen #jasonbourgeois #georgeharrison #spouse #thefawns #courtneybarnett #hazelenglish #daywave #ronsexsmith #judeesill #PinkFloyd #cutworms #dehd #AlabasterDePlume #REM #yolatengo #wire #beatles #thenoones #thedarlingbuds