RT @SaraNAhmed
I’ll share more tomorrow. But just now can I say I am so grateful for all that #killjoysolidarity - it was in the room. #thefeministkilljoyhandbook #wearefeministkilljoys
#killjoysolidarity #thefeministkilljoyhandbook #wearefeministkilljoys
RT @SaraNAhmed
I can't believe #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook will be out this Thursday! Being a killjoy, naming the problem, becoming the problem, can make us feel alone. If you want to hang out with a bunch of other killjoys, you can participate in the launch online! https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zvCb4SruQ_OLl7Xs5cMd7g
Is there a good time to take a swipe. Let me know and I will join you! 😁
RT @SaraNAhmed
A review has been published today of #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook by a gender critical feminist which describes it as 'ill timed swipe at gender critical feminists.'
The same crowd has been pummeling me in a furious but completely incoherent way. BTW I have been using "A phenomenology of whiteness" in a chapter I am writing. Would love to get your response when I am ready to share. Not on this platform, obv.
RT @SaraNAhmed
#TheFeministKilljoyHandbook oops I forgot it again
RT @SaraNAhmed@twitter.com
My hand is getting sore but my heart is getting full. Writing ‘in killjoy solidarity’ on just over 2000 copies. Still feeling it. When my writing gets a bit wonky, I add a kiss 😘 #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaraNAhmed/status/1619412678094757888
RT @SaraNAhmed@twitter.com
It is with killjoy joy that I share the cover of #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook out on March 2nd with @AllenLaneBooks@twitter.com! 🪩 🪩🌈🌈
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaraNAhmed/status/1618959163610255360
RT @SaraNAhmed@twitter.com
Last week I managed to record the audio of #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook. My voice was still not quite back so it was a bit of a push. But having to push to get our stories out IS what the handbook is about. A croaky voice = a feminist history!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaraNAhmed/status/1618568452796715009
RT @SaraNAhmed@twitter.com
Oh my, this feminist killjoy has her proofs! And you can preorder #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaraNAhmed/status/1592448338930307073
RT @drcwatego@twitter.com
Big respects to @SaraNAhmed@twitter.com for understanding the value of texts written for our own people #AnotherDayInTheColony #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drcwatego/status/1608068272519532547
#anotherdayinthecolony #thefeministkilljoyhandbook
RT @drcwatego
Big respects to @SaraNAhmed for understanding the value of texts written for our own people #AnotherDayInTheColony #TheFeministKilljoyHandbook
#anotherdayinthecolony #thefeministkilljoyhandbook