Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1216 followers · 19624 posts · Server masto.ai

5/5 The main suspect is a former member, who has, for instance, been candidating for the party in elections.

This -case is not even the only actual trial in , since the police is investigating a group that operated in , too.


#thefinnsparty #lahti #farright #terrorism #finland #kankaanpaa #accelerationism #finpol #terrorists #nazis #thefinns

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1192 followers · 18231 posts · Server masto.ai

2/2 Why is it good news?

Well, the government have been in the crisis during their whole excistance.

And , the only liberal party, has been in a great pain because of party, and because the liberal minority of has stayed silent.

Nearly no one even believed that they SPP would actually participate in this , and we've been waiting for them to leave, and this might be yet another step to that direction.

#conservative #farright #spp #thefinns #ncp #government #finpol #finland #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1192 followers · 18227 posts · Server masto.ai

Today there's some good news about the in !

The popularity of the government has fallen.

According to poll the 4 governing parties has 46,9 % support (We have a majority government tradition).

falls 2,2 %, 1 %, and the liberal 0,2 %, which already can be a crucial loss for them in the next year - they can loose their only seat.

take the lead with 22,8 % support.


#politics #finland #conservative #farright #yle #ncp #thefinns #spp #euelections #socialdemocrats #finpol

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1177 followers · 17677 posts · Server masto.ai

3/3 And yes, I, again, will share articles about this in English and Swedish when there is some to share.

It is very likely, that articles in Swedish will be released already during tonite, but with the English versions it might take until tomorrow, because works office hours.

#politics #ylenews #willerydman #rydman #ncp #thefinns #finpol #finland

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1178 followers · 17672 posts · Server masto.ai

2/X That who then came out with a that the foreign is steered by some Finnish professors and scientist who plant negative articles about our new government in them.

Well, our biggest newspaper, ,t has just published an article about 's messages to his then girlfriend, that are very racist and antisemitistic, and in which he says, he is a .


#willerydman #consipiracytheory #media #conservative #farright #helsinginsanoma #rydman #nazi #ncp #thefinns #finpol #finland

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1178 followers · 17672 posts · Server masto.ai


Hello World!

It's calling, again, and again about our new government.

Remember ?

The former MP who a year ago got caught from harassment and grooming, was then forced to leave , and joined ?

Whom appointed as the replacer of the minister Vilhelm .


#finland #conservative #farright #willerydman #nationalcoalitionparty #ncp #thefinnsparty #thefinns #nazi #junnila #finpol #politics #rydman #journalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1161 followers · 16787 posts · Server masto.ai

Dear German media & people of !

Firstly: Sorry, I don't speak . In it often has been so, that in school you choose either German or . I picked the latter back in the days


Don't believe a word our prime minister Petteri is saying.

Yes, there is a party in our . is a far right party. It's not a matter of opinion, many academics have said so. And yes, is a very one

That's all, have good weekend!

#germany #finland #french #orpo #farright #government #thefinns #racist #thefinnsparty #german

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1158 followers · 16560 posts · Server masto.ai
Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1156 followers · 16361 posts · Server masto.ai

4/X has written about Riikka 's racist and violent writings:

"Finnish far-right finance minister accused of online comments"


So has :

"New bigotry scandal envelopes ’s brand new government"


We thank you!

And other media around the Globe:

Please do cover our government of horrors! It is one of the most effective ways to get rid of it.

#purra #farright #racist #politico #finland #thefinns #hallaaho #scripta #finpol #politics #theguardian

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1154 followers · 16315 posts · Server masto.ai

7/7 A new scandal hits the new government of .

The magnfier is on minister, the party leader of , Riikka Purra and her comments on the former party leader's Jussi 's racist blog.

It's terribly language, slurs and fantasizing about violent acts to POC.

Yle's article in English:




And yes, , too, is -believer.

#finland #thefinns #hallaaho #scripta #racist #purra #thegreatreplacement #finpol #politics #farright #journalism #journalists

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1154 followers · 16240 posts · Server masto.ai

3/X Now Svenska Yle, the Sweadish editing office of The Finnish Broadcasting companyt has made an article about the matter.

It might be, that their English editing office will not do it until tomorrow; I have a feeling, that they don't work 24-7.

Men här du kan läsa om saken på svenska:


#purra #thefinns #hallaaho #scripta #racist #finland #finpol #politics #farright

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1154 followers · 16238 posts · Server masto.ai

was in her 30's then. So she wasn't a defiant teenager.

Nope. She was grown up person doing her PhD (that she hasn't finished even by now).

Some of these writing _peaked_ a bit in t he news on February. But it didn't got big, then.

Not even if the parliament elections was on their way.

Now, when she is the minister of finance the Finnish makes the matter bigger.

Only now...

#purra #media #thefinns #hallaaho #scripta #racist #finland #finpol #politics #farright

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1154 followers · 16236 posts · Server masto.ai

On the news today about the government of .

party leader, minister Riikka has written the former party leader Jussi s racistical blog a lot in 2008.

Extremely language w n-word etc. Fantasizing about spitting on POC people, beating their children and shooting them in the local train.

Our Swedish and English media haven't yet made articles, I'll share when they do.


#conservative #farright #finland #thefinns #purra #hallaaho #scripta #racist #finpol #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1155 followers · 16118 posts · Server masto.ai

So, the speaker of the house ( = puhemies in Finnish) in the Parliament of - or as we call him: Hate speech man ( = ) is running for next January.

Jussi , Party, is a multi-convicted racist.

A man, who was praised by in his manifesto.

Will he be elected?


Does he has a chance for the 2nd round? That is possible, but not likely.

He can get + / - 20 % of the votes in the first round.

#finland #vihapuhemies #president #hallaaho #thefinns #breivik #extremeright #farright #finpol

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1155 followers · 16117 posts · Server masto.ai

David Mac Dougall, a Scottish journalist who has lived in for years, writes how we're sleepwalking into .


"It needs a strong prime minister - Petteri has been shockingly mute in the last two weeks - who can control his party, his MPs and his staff, who respects and and and stands up for freedom of the "


#journalists #academics #experts #finland #orbanism #lukusuositus #orpo #press #finpol #journalism #politics #farright #persut #thefinns #ncp #kokoomus #hallitus

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1155 followers · 16078 posts · Server masto.ai

1/2 Our government made it to , too.

" Jokes and References Leave Europe’s Newest Government In Chaos"

“It seems that many people in have had a naïve image of Party and their ideological connections to the ideas,” said Löf. “Some people have seen them as a softer version of the radical right-wing parties in Europe, an illusion which is now quickly being shattered.”


#vice #nazi #kkk #finland #thefinns #farright #extremist #hallitus #suomimainittu #finpol #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1152 followers · 15993 posts · Server masto.ai

6/6 This IRL satire nightmare just had yet another episode.

The replacer for -connected minister .is a former -member, nowadays a member of Wille ->


The reason he changed the party, is, that the exposed his long history of a year ago ->


And yes, he, too is a -believer.

This is just an absolute shite show!

#nazi #junnila #ncp #thefinns #rydman #media #grooming #thegreatreplacement #finland #finpol #politics #farright #journalism #journalists

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1152 followers · 15978 posts · Server masto.ai

World - Hide your daughters!

The - far right government of has named the replacer for -connected Vilhem Junnila.

He is a former -member, nowadays a member of Wille ->


The reason he changed the party, is, that the exposed his long history of ->


And yes, he, too is a -believer.

This is just an absolute shite show!

#conservative #farright #finland #ncp #thefinns #rydman #media #grooming #thegreatreplacement #finpol #politics #nazi

Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1152 followers · 15978 posts · Server masto.ai

@bhasic @DemocritusDiscoBall ...and was named the way, that the prime minister Petteri Orpo read about it in the news; didn't tell him about it first.

The National Coalition Party, the prime minister's party, was also the party of the new minister some months ago. But Rydman was kicked out of their group after the media exposed his years long grooming history. And then joined The Finns -party. And is now a minister in NCP's government.

Our government is a shite show.


Last updated 1 year ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1152 followers · 15920 posts · Server masto.ai

5/X And this is also all about and freedom of the .

Already we've seen an episode in which the MP's from -party and harassed a young for days, because she wrote a critical column about the Finns party, and, for instance, their will to narrow free media.

The harassment was so bad, that even condemned it with strong words.

#journalism #press #thefinns #thecoalitionparty #journalist #ipi #freedomofthepress #finland #finpol #farright #politics #media

Last updated 1 year ago